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Merge pull request #2929 from mitre/hdf2csvFix
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hdf2csv Fix
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DMedina6 authored Oct 8, 2024
2 parents 70e22c8 + 60b58de commit 79a2355
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Showing 6 changed files with 408 additions and 35 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ out
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package-lock.json

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
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60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/baseCommand.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import {Command, Flags, Interfaces} from '@oclif/core'

export type Flags<T extends typeof Command> = Interfaces.InferredFlags<typeof BaseCommand['baseFlags'] & T['flags']>
export type Args<T extends typeof Command> = Interfaces.InferredArgs<T['args']>

export abstract class InteractiveBaseCommand extends Command {
static readonly baseFlags = {
interactive: Flags.boolean({
aliases: ['interactive', 'ask-me'],
// Show this flag under a separate GLOBAL section in help.
helpGroup: 'GLOBAL',
description: 'Collect input tags interactively - not available for all CLI commands',

export abstract class BaseCommand<T extends typeof Command> extends Command {
// define flags that can be inherited by any command that extends BaseCommand
static readonly baseFlags = {
logLevel: Flags.option({
char: 'L',
default: 'info',
helpGroup: 'GLOBAL',
options: ['info', 'warn', 'debug', 'verbose'] as const,
description: 'Specify level for logging.',

protected flags!: Flags<T>
protected args!: Args<T>

public async init(): Promise<void> {
await super.init()
const {args, flags} = await this.parse({
flags: this.ctor.flags,
baseFlags: (super.ctor as typeof BaseCommand).baseFlags,
enableJsonFlag: this.ctor.enableJsonFlag,
args: this.ctor.args,
strict: this.ctor.strict,
this.flags = flags as Flags<T>
this.args = args as Args<T>

protected async catch(err: Error & {exitCode?: number}): Promise<any> { // skipcq: JS-0116
// If error message is for missing flags, display what fields
// are required, otherwise show the error
if (err.message.includes('See more help with --help')) {
} else {

protected async finally(_: Error | undefined): Promise<any> { // skipcq: JS-0116
// called after run and catch regardless of whether or not the command errored
return super.finally(_)
287 changes: 254 additions & 33 deletions src/commands/convert/hdf2csv.ts
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@@ -1,56 +1,277 @@
import {Command, Flags} from '@oclif/core'
import {Flags} from '@oclif/core'
import {ContextualizedEvaluation, contextualizeEvaluation} from 'inspecjs'
import _ from 'lodash'
import fs from 'fs'
import ObjectsToCsv from 'objects-to-csv'
import {ControlSetRows} from '../../types/csv'
import {convertRow, csvExportFields} from '../../utils/csv'
import {convertFullPathToFilename} from '../../utils/global'
import {BaseCommand} from '../../baseCommand'
import path from 'path'
import colors from 'colors' // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-imports
import inquirer from 'inquirer'
import inquirerFileTreeSelection from 'inquirer-file-tree-selection-prompt'
import {addToProcessLogData, printGreen, printMagenta, printYellow, saveProcessLogData} from '../../utils/cliHelper'
import {EventEmitter} from 'events'

export default class HDF2CSV extends Command {
static usage = 'convert hdf2csv -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-csv> [-h] [-f <csv-fields>] [-t]'

// Using the BaseCommand class that implements common commands (--interactive, --LogLevel)
export default class HDF2CSV extends BaseCommand<typeof HDF2CSV> {
static description = 'Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file'

// eslint-disable-next-line no-warning-comments
TODO: Find a way to make certain flags required when not using --interactive.
In this CLI the -i and -o are required fields, but if required: is set
to true, when using the --interactive the process will state that those
fields are required. Currently we check the flags that are required
programmatically when the --interactive is not used.
The exclusive: ['interactive'] flag option is used to state that the flag
cannot be specified alongside the --interactive flag
static flags = {
help:{char: 'h'}),
input: Flags.string({char: 'i', required: true, description: 'Input HDF file'}),
output: Flags.string({char: 'o', required: true, description: 'Output CSV file'}),
fields: Flags.string({char: 'f', required: false, default: csvExportFields.join(','), description: 'Fields to include in output CSV, separated by commas'}),
noTruncate: Flags.boolean({char: 't', required: false, default: false, description: 'Do not truncate fields longer than 32,767 characters (the cell limit in Excel)'}),
input: Flags.string({char: 'i', required: false, exclusive: ['interactive'], description: '(required if not --interactive) Input HDF file'}),
output: Flags.string({char: 'o', required: false, exclusive: ['interactive'], description: '(required if not --interactive) Output CSV file'}),
fields: Flags.string({
char: 'f', required: false, exclusive: ['interactive'],
default: csvExportFields.join(','), description: 'Fields to include in output CSV, separated by commas',
noTruncate: Flags.boolean({
char: 't', required: false, exclusive: ['interactive'],
default: false, description: 'Do not truncate fields longer than 32,767 characters (the cell limit in Excel)'}),

static examples = ['saf convert hdf2csv -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7.csv --fields "Results Set,Status,ID,Title,Severity"']

convertRows(evaluation: ContextualizedEvaluation, filename: string, fieldsToAdd: string[]): ControlSetRows {
const controls = evaluation.contains.flatMap(profile => profile.contains) || []
return => convertRow(filename, ctrl, fieldsToAdd))
// The config.bin (translates to saf), the <%= %> (translates to convert hdf2csv)
static readonly examples = [
'<%= config.bin %> <%= %> -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7.csv --fields "Results Set,Status,ID,Title,Severity"',
'<%= config.bin %> <%= %> --interactive',

async run() {
const {flags} = await this.parse(HDF2CSV)
const contextualizedEvaluation = contextualizeEvaluation(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(flags.input, 'utf8')))

// Convert all controls from a file to ControlSetRows
let rows: ControlSetRows = this.convertRows(contextualizedEvaluation, convertFullPathToFilename(flags.input), flags.fields.split(','))
rows =, index) => {
const cleanedRow: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const key in row) {
if ((row[key]).length > 32767) {
if ('ID' in row) {
console.error(`Field ${key} of control ${row.ID} is longer than 32,767 characters and has been truncated for compatibility with Excel. To disable this behavior use the option --noTruncate`)
} else {
console.error(`Field ${key} of control at index ${index} is longer than 32,767 characters and has been truncated for compatibility with Excel. To disable this behavior use the option --noTruncate`)

addToProcessLogData('================== HDF2CSV CLI Process ===================')
addToProcessLogData(`Date: ${new Date().toISOString()}\n`)

let inputFile = ''
let outputFile = ''
let includeFields = ''
let truncateFields = false

if (flags.interactive) {
const interactiveFlags = await getFlags()
inputFile = interactiveFlags.inputFile
outputFile = path.join(interactiveFlags.outputDirectory, interactiveFlags.outputFileName)
includeFields = interactiveFlags.fields.join(',')
truncateFields = Boolean(interactiveFlags.truncateFields)
} else if (this.requiredFlagsProvided(flags)) {
inputFile = flags.input as string
outputFile = flags.output as string
includeFields = flags.fields
truncateFields = flags.noTruncate

// Save the flags to the log object
addToProcessLogData('Process Flags ============================================')
for (const key in flags) {
if (, key)) {
addToProcessLogData(key + '=' + flags[key as keyof typeof flags])
} else {

if (validFileFlags(inputFile, outputFile)) {
const contextualizedEvaluation = contextualizeEvaluation(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(inputFile, 'utf8')))

// Convert all controls from a file to ControlSetRows
let rows: ControlSetRows = convertRows(contextualizedEvaluation, convertFullPathToFilename(inputFile), includeFields.split(','))
rows =, index) => {
const cleanedRow: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const key in row) {
if (row[key] !== undefined) {
if ((row[key]).length > 32767 && truncateFields) {
if ('ID' in row) {
console.error(`Field ${key} of control ${row.ID} is longer than 32,767 characters and has been truncated for compatibility with Excel. To disable this behavior use the option --noTruncate`)
} else {
console.error(`Field ${key} of control at index ${index} is longer than 32,767 characters and has been truncated for compatibility with Excel. To disable this behavior use the option --noTruncate`)

cleanedRow[key] = _.truncate(row[key], {length: 32757, omission: 'TRUNCATED'})
} else {
cleanedRow[key] = row[key]

return cleanedRow

await new ObjectsToCsv(rows).toDisk(outputFile)

requiredFlagsProvided(flags: { input: any; output: any }): boolean {
let missingFlags = false
let strMsg = 'Warning: The following errors occurred:\n'

if (!flags.input) {
strMsg += colors.dim(' Missing required flag input (HDF file)\n')
missingFlags = true

if (!flags.output) {
strMsg += colors.dim(' Missing required flag output (CSV file)\n')
missingFlags = true

if (missingFlags) {
strMsg += 'See more help with -h or --help'

return !missingFlags

cleanedRow[key] = _.truncate(row[key], {length: 32757, omission: 'TRUNCATED'})
} else {
cleanedRow[key] = row[key]
function convertRows(evaluation: ContextualizedEvaluation, filename: string, fieldsToAdd: string[]): ControlSetRows {
const controls = evaluation.contains.flatMap(profile => profile.contains) || []
return => convertRow(filename, ctrl, fieldsToAdd))

// Interactively ask the user for the arguments required for the cli.
// All flags, required and optional are asked
async function getFlags(): Promise<any> {
// The default max listeners is set to 10. The inquire checkbox sets a
// listener for each entry it displays, we are providing 16 entries,
// does using 16 listeners. Need to increase the defaultMaxListeners.
EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 20

inquirer.registerPrompt('file-tree-selection', inquirerFileTreeSelection)

printYellow('Provide the necessary information:')
printGreen(' Required flag - HDF file to convert to a CSV formatted file')
printGreen(' Required flag - CSV output directory (output file name is hdf2csv.csv)')
printMagenta(' Optional flag - Fields to include in output CSV (comma delineated)')
printMagenta(' Optional flag - Truncate fields that exceed Excel cell limit (32,767 characters)\n')

const choices: string[] = []
for (const str of csvExportFields) {

const questions = [
type: 'file-tree-selection',
name: 'inputFile',
message: 'Select the HDF file to be converted to a CSV:',
filters: 'json',
pageSize: 15,
require: true,
enableGoUpperDirectory: true,
transformer: (input: any) => {
const name = input.split(path.sep).pop()
const fileExtension = name.split('.').slice(1).pop()
if (name[0] === '.') {
return colors.grey(name)

if (fileExtension === 'json') {

return name
validate: (input: any) => {
const name = input.split(path.sep).pop()
const fileExtension = name.split('.').slice(1).pop()
if (fileExtension !== 'json') {
return 'Not a .json file, please select another file'

return true
type: 'file-tree-selection',
name: 'outputDirectory',
message: 'Select output directory for the generated CSV file:',
pageSize: 15,
require: true,
onlyShowDir: true,
enableGoUpperDirectory: true,
transformer: (input: any) => {
const name = input.split(path.sep).pop()
if (name[0] === '.') {
return colors.grey(name)

return name
type: 'input',
name: 'outputFileName',
message: 'Specify the output filename (.csv). It will be saved to the previously selected directory:',
require: true,
default() {
return 'hdf2csv.csv'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'fields',
message: 'Select fields to include in output CSV file:',
validate(answer: string | any[]) {
if (answer.length === 0) {
return 'You must choose at least one field to include in the output.'

return true
type: 'list',
name: 'truncateFields',
message: 'Truncate fields longer than 32,767 characters (the cell limit in Excel):',
choices: ['true', 'false'],
default: false,
filter(val: string) {
return (val === 'true')

let interactiveValues: any
const ask = inquirer.prompt(questions).then((answers: any) => {
addToProcessLogData('Process Flags ============================================')
for (const envVar in answers) {
if (answers[envVar] !== null) {
addToProcessLogData(envVar + '=' + answers[envVar])

interactiveValues = answers

return cleanedRow
await new ObjectsToCsv(rows).toDisk(flags.output)
await ask
return interactiveValues

function validFileFlags(input: string, output: string): boolean {
// Do we have a file. Note that this check only ensures that a file was
// provided, not necessary an HDF json file
try {
} catch {
throw new Error('Invalid or no HDF json file provided.')

// Here we simply check if the path leading to the provided output file is valid
if (!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(output))) {
throw new Error('Invalid output directory provided for the CSV output file.')

return true

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