sabi.js: control your devices through a HTML5/Node/Javascript framework
Luc Renambot - November 2012 - [email protected]
University of Illinois at Chicago
Run commands locally
Run scripts locally
Run scripts on a remote server
Send OSC messages to a network device
Software dependencies
package: http-auth
package: mime
package: sprint
package: serialport
package: forever
package: optimist
package: exec-sync
package: async
Web packages
- jquery.js
- underscore.js
- backbone.js
Install node.js and its package manager
- Binaries, through a package manager (for Window, Mac, Linux),
- From sources, see node.js wiki (for Window, Mac, Linux).
Check the installation
- node.js: type node -v You should get something like v0.12.xx
- npm: type npm -v You should get something like v2.x.xx
Install dependencies
- npm install : install all dependencies
- npm install http-auth (http authorization)
- npm install htdigest (password generation)
- npm install mime (mime type file detection)
- npm install serialport (serial port communication)
- npm install (websockets)
- npm install sprint (C-like printf)
- npm install forever (optional but useful)
- npm install optimist (argument processing)
- npm install (server to server communication)
- npm install exec-sync (synchronous execution of commands)
- npm install async (high-level taks management)
- On Linux: the user running the serial port commands should be in the ‘dial out’ group
Get sabi.js source package
- sabijs.tar.gz
Open the sabi.js folder
Edit the file text sabi.json (JSON file format). Syntax is defined in the section below.
- In the “global” section: server_port specifies the port the web server is listening to (port 9000 by default). Check your firewall, as needed.
- In the “global” section: security set to true will require an account name and password to access the pages. Set to false, anyone can access the site.
Generate user passwords: if “security” is set to “true” in sabi.json, you need to generate a password file (called users.htpasswd) containing one or more accounts (in the realm ‘sabi’): users will need to enter a username and password to access the commands
- Syntax: htdigest [-c] passwordfile realm username
- Create a new file with a new user: ./node_modules/htdigest/lib/htdigest-bin.js -c users.htpasswd sabi user1
- Add a new user: ./node_modules/htdigest/lib/htdigest-bin.js users.htpasswd sabi user2
While editing your sabi.json file, it is convenient to check the messages of the server. For this, just run node server.js from the prompt,
Open any web browser to the http://server:port address. Fill out the password if need and start controlling your devices,
Once your configuration if finalized, your can use the forever command or the provided GO script:
- ./node_modules/forever/bin/forever start server.js starts the server in the background, and will monitor its execution (and restart if it crashes)
- ./node_modules/forever/bin/forever stopall stops all the instances of the server
- in production mode, the GO script should be placed in the startup script of the machine or the user.