Omegalib based viewer for gigapixel images on tiled displays
Omegalib script to run image viewer
- loads webView components on each tile
- passes tile information on url (config currently hard-coded for CAVE2, need to fix this)
- calls pan and zoom functions on wand controller button presses
- Analog stick (or d-pad): pans
- Trigger buttons: zoom in/out
- Can also use WASD keys to pan, ZX to zoom for testing
webView.cpp Slightly modified version of the webView module
- Don't flag events processed so they can still be acted on in the python script
- WebGL/hardware acceleration optional (extra parameter when creating view): this is because the libawesomium/chromium browser would go glitchy and spit out GLES errors after a while, disabling GPU use in the browser seems to fix the problem.
Launch the deepzoom viewer server for the image tiles, set to accept connections from all IP ranges
- Pass image resource as first command line arg
Uses openslide + slightly hacked demo from openslide-python
Key modifications:
- Modified copy of slide_fullpage.html to hide most UI components
- Receives tiled display parameters from url x,y,w,h
- Sets initial pan based on tile info
- zoomBy/zoomTo/panBy/panTo functions to simplify calling API from Omegalib
- Modified to use slide_tiled.html
Testing Currently will only run on a 20 node setup like the CAVE test/cave2-emu.cfg contains an example config to emulate this on a desktop See in test/ for how to use
- Start and stop the server from the script
- Add a menu to the script with different example images, when selected stop the server and start with a new image resource
- Add an Omegalib module to allow retrieval of the tile information instead of hard coding it in