Test::CodingStyle - run tests by original rule
use Test::More;
use Test::CodingStyle::Finder;
use Test::CodingStyle::Linter;
my @errors;
my $linter = Test::CodingStyle::Linter->new({
rule_path => 't/obey_rule/':
target => [ q/lib/ ],
after_lint => sub {
my ($linter, $filename, $info) = @_;
my $builder = Test::More->builder;
if ($info->{result}) {
$builder->ok(1, sprintf('%s at %s', @$info{qw/title filename/}));
else {
push @errors, $info;
::ok(1, 'dummy');
# Because of easier debug , display at last.
for my $error (@errors) {
my $builder = Test::More->builder;
$builder->ok(0, sprintf('%s :: %s at %s', @$error{qw/message title filename/}));
Test::CodingStyle is Testing module which run by original rule. Original rule should be defined some directory & that directory is given as parameter named [rule_path].
Rule should be created as perl script which return hashref.
return +{
title => 'no_strict-no_life',
description => q/ Checking for existing 'use strict' /,
point => 1,
target_dir => [qw( lib/Sample )],
target_ext => [qw( pm )],
blacklist => [qw( lib/Sample/BlackStrict.pm)],
except_list => [qw( lib/Sample/PermitNoStrict.pm)],
coderef => sub{
my $text = shift;
if( $text =~ qr/^\s*use\sstrict/xms ){
return 1;
return ( 0 , "must need 'use strict'");
Each keys have means.
title # Just Title. When Test finish , It is output.
description # Just Description
point # When you want to have level of issue, you can set some MINOS point here. Default is 1.
target_dir # Tests run only under this directory recursive.Default is [lib]
target_ext # Tests run for this ext files.Default is [pm]
blacklist # If you have file which has already have bad code , you can skip that file by this list.
except_list # If you have file which should be permitted. you & calculator can skip that file by this list.
coderef # Rule is written here. you can get target file text as first parameter.
# If $text is valid, have to be returned 1(TRUE).
# Invalid case has to be return list
# First : 0(FALSE)
# Second : some message
mixi developpers team
masartz [email protected]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.