Core dump is a site for developers to get all the answers for their questions! It is a community-driven site driven by the power of peer review. User's can search questions, ask new questions, provide answers to other's questions, and rank other user's questions and answers!
- JSON Web Token for Authentication and Authorization
- Sequelize for Model/Migration/Seeding into PostgreSQL
- AJAX calls to the back-end
- PUG templates
- ExpressJS for all our server needs
- CSS for styling
- Navigating through each other's work without stepping on toes
- Working together in one branch
- Making everything modular and reusable
- Refactoring after completion
router.get('/', asyncHandler(async(req, res, next) => {
// Get all questions
const questions = await Question.findAll();
// Get votes associated with each question
res.render('questions', { questions });
router.get('/:id', checkAuth, asyncHandler(async(req, res, next) => {
const questionId = parseInt(;
// Find question based on id
let currentUserId = 0;
if (req.user) {
currentUserId =;
const question = await Question.findByPk(questionId);
// Grab username by question.userId
const user = await User.findByPk(question.userId); = user.userName;
// Find votes associated with question
let score = await countQuestionVotes(questionId);
// Find associated answers based on id
const answers = await Answer.findAll({
where: {
questionId: {
[Op.eq]: [questionId],
// Find scores associated with each answer
for (let answer of answers) {
let score = await countAnswerVotes(;
const user = await User.findByPk(answer.userId);
answer.score = score; = user.userName;
res.render('question', { signedIn: req.user, question, answers, score, currentUserId });