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Gradient domain processing for signals (and geometry) on meshes

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Shape Gradient Domain (Version 5.0)

links description executable notes examples changes
[Chuang et al. 2009], [Prada et al. 2016], [Chuang et al. 2016]
Windows (x64) Executables
Source Code
GitHub Repository
(Older Versions: V4.5, V4.0, V3.0, V2.0, V1.0)


  • This code performs gradient domain processing [Chuang et al. 2009, Chuang et al. 2016] on signals defined on a mesh, where the signal can be either a color-field represented as a color per vertex or is the position of the vertices themselves. The code supports both sharpening and smoothing of the signals through the solution of a screened-Poisson equation. Specifically, given an input signal F, it solves for the signal G minimizing:
    E(G) = ||F-G||2 + β⋅||λ⋅∇F - ∇G||2
    where β is the gradient-fitting weight and λ is the gradient scale factor.
  • The code supports inhomogenous processing by allowing the user to replace the Riemannian metric, g, given by the embedding, with a metric that adjusts to the curvature of the surface. Specifically, given orthonormal principal curvature directions, the (idenity) metric is replaced with:
    g ← Id. + ε⋅Κ2 where Id. is the identity matrix, Κ2 is the diagonal matrix whose entries are the sum of the squares of the principal curature values, and ε is the curvature weight. (When ε=0, this reproduces the Riemannian metric given by the embedding.)
    Curvatures are estimated using the surface normals. If none are provided, the vertex normals are estimated as the area-weighted sum of adjacent triangle normals.
  • For robustness, the implementation supports pre-smoothing the normals before estimating curvatures. Similar to above, this amounts to minimizing an energy of the form:
    E(G) = ||F-G||2 + γ⋅||∇G||2
    where γ is the normal smoothing weight.
  • In the case that the signal processed describes the vertices' normals, we also support fitting the original geometry to the processed normals using the approach of [Yu et al. 2004].
    Given input positions F and a target normal field N This amounts to minimizing:
    E(G) = ||F-G||2 + δ⋅||(∇F - N⋅⟨∇F,N⟩) - ∇G||2
    where δ is the projected gradient fitting weight weight.

    ShapeGradientDomain: Processes either the vertex positions, or per-vertex colors, performing homogeneous/inhomogeneous gradient-domain smoothing and sharpening (with the option of smoothing normals in a pre-processing step)
    --in <input geometry>
    This string specifies the name of the input geometry, represented in PLY format.
    [--out <ouput geometry>]
    This string specifies the name of the output geometry, represented in PLY format.
    [--nWeight <normal smoothing time>]
    This floating point value gives the normal smoothing weight (γ).
    The default value for this parameter is 10-4.
    [--gWeight <gradient interpolation weight>]
    This floating point value gives the weight for gradient interpolation (β).
    The default value for this parameter is 10-4.
    [--gScale <gradient scale>]
    This floating point value gives the scale factor for the target gradient field (λ).
    The default value for this parameter is 1.0.
    [--kWeight <curvature weight>]
    This floating point value gives the curvature weight for adjusting the metric (ε).
    The default value for this parameter is 0.0.
    [--npWeight <normal projection weight>]
    This floating point value gives the normal projection weight (δ).
    The default value for this parameter is 102.
    This inter value describes which signal is to be processed:
    • 0: Vertex positions
    • 1: Vertex normals (will be assigned if none are give)
    • 2: Vertex colors
    • 3: Vertex normals used to fit the geometry.
    The default value for this parameter is 0.
    If this flag is enabled, the code will output processing information.
    ShapeCurvature: Visualizes the estimated total curvature as a gray-scale per-vertex color.
    --in <input geometry>
    This string specifies the name of the input geometry, represented in PLY format.
    [--out <ouput geometry>]
    This string specifies the name of the output geometry, represented in PLY format.
    [--nWeight <normal smoothing weight>]
    This floating point value gives the normal smoothing weight (γ).
    The default value for this parameter is 10-4.
    If this flag is enabled, the code will output processing information.

  • The code requires Eigen as a numerical solver.
    If you are using Eigen and your implementation is backed by Intel's Math Kernel Library (see discussion here), enable the EIGEN_USE_MKL_ALL macro by defining it in the file PreProcessor.h. (The two versions of the Windows executables are compiled with and without MKL support.)
  • For consistency of parameters, surfaces are rescaled to have unit area prior to processing (and then scaled back after processing).

  • ShapeGradientDomain:

    The figure below shows example of both homogenous and inhomogeneous geometry processing.

    • Top row: Homogeneous sharpening:
           ShapeGradientDomain --in armadillo.ply --out --gScale 2 --gWeight <gradient weight> 
    • Middle row: Homogeneous smoothing:
           ShapeGradientDomain --in armadillo.ply --out armadillo.smooth.ply --gScale 0 --gWeight <gradient weight> 
    • Bottom row: Inhomogeneous smoothing:
           ShapeGradientDomain --in armadillo.ply --out armadillo.smooth.ply --gScale 0 --gWeight <gradient weight> --kWeight 0.02
    For all three, the value of <gradient weight> is chosen from {1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5}
  • ShapeCurvature:

    The figure below visualizes the total curvature (square root of the sum of the squares of the principal curvatures) as per-vertex grayscale colors and gives the standard deviations of the estimated total curvature σ|κ|

         ShapeCurvature --in armadillo.ply --out armadillo.curvature.ply --nWeight <normal smoothing weight>
    The value of <normal smoothing weight> is chosen from {1e-4,1e-5,1e-6}.


Version 2.0:

  1. Added options to weight both value and gradient interpolation terms.
  2. Changed default values to correspond to diffusion time.

Version 3.0:

  1. Integrated normal smoothing within the gradient-domain processing application.

Version 4.0:

  1. Fixed default value weight to 1.0.
  2. Added support for fitting the geometry to prescribed normals.

Version 4.5:

  1. Enabled symbolic matrix factorization in pre-processing.
  2. Added support (and made default) normal smoothing through per-channel diffusion.

Version 5.0:

  1. Removed harmonic normal smoothing
  2. Removed normal smoothing iterations
  3. Added cuvature visualization executable

Shape Gradient Domain (Version 5.0)

links description executable notes examples changes
[Chuang et al. 2009], [Prada et al. 2016], [Chuang et al. 2016]
Windows (x64) Executables
Source Code
GitHub Repository
(Older Versions: V4.5, V4.0, V3.0, V2.0, V1.0)


  • This code performs gradient domain processing [Chuang et al. 2009, Chuang et al. 2016] on signals defined on a mesh, where the signal can be either a color-field represented as a color per vertex or is the position of the vertices themselves. The code supports both sharpening and smoothing of the signals through the solution of a screened-Poisson equation. Specifically, given an input signal F, it solves for the signal G minimizing:
    E(G) = ||F-G||2 + β⋅||λ⋅∇F - ∇G||2
    where β is the gradient-fitting weight and λ is the gradient scale factor.
  • The code supports inhomogenous processing by allowing the user to replace the Riemannian metric, g, given by the embedding, with a metric that adjusts to the curvature of the surface. Specifically, given orthonormal principal curvature directions, the (idenity) metric is replaced with:
    g ← Id. + ε⋅Κ2 where Id. is the identity matrix, Κ2 is the diagonal matrix whose entries are the sum of the squares of the principal curature values, and ε is the curvature weight. (When ε=0, this reproduces the Riemannian metric given by the embedding.)
    Curvatures are estimated using the surface normals. If none are provided, the vertex normals are estimated as the area-weighted sum of adjacent triangle normals.
  • For robustness, the implementation supports pre-smoothing the normals before estimating curvatures. Similar to above, this amounts to minimizing an energy of the form:
    E(G) = ||F-G||2 + γ⋅||∇G||2
    where γ is the normal smoothing weight.
  • In the case that the signal processed describes the vertices' normals, we also support fitting the original geometry to the processed normals using the approach of [Yu et al. 2004].
    Given input positions F and a target normal field N This amounts to minimizing:
    E(G) = ||F-G||2 + δ⋅||(∇F - N⋅⟨∇F,N⟩) - ∇G||2
    where δ is the projected gradient fitting weight weight.

    ShapeGradientDomain: Processes either the vertex positions, or per-vertex colors, performing homogeneous/inhomogeneous gradient-domain smoothing and sharpening (with the option of smoothing normals in a pre-processing step)
    --in <input geometry>
    This string specifies the name of the input geometry, represented in PLY format.
    [--out <ouput geometry>]
    This string specifies the name of the output geometry, represented in PLY format.
    [--nWeight <normal smoothing time>]
    This floating point value gives the normal smoothing weight (γ).
    The default value for this parameter is 10-4.
    [--gWeight <gradient interpolation weight>]
    This floating point value gives the weight for gradient interpolation (β).
    The default value for this parameter is 10-4.
    [--gScale <gradient scale>]
    This floating point value gives the scale factor for the target gradient field (λ).
    The default value for this parameter is 1.0.
    [--kWeight <curvature weight>]
    This floating point value gives the curvature weight for adjusting the metric (ε).
    The default value for this parameter is 0.0.
    [--npWeight <normal projection weight>]
    This floating point value gives the normal projection weight (δ).
    The default value for this parameter is 102.
    This inter value describes which signal is to be processed:
    • 0: Vertex positions
    • 1: Vertex normals (will be assigned if none are give)
    • 2: Vertex colors
    • 3: Vertex normals used to fit the geometry.
    The default value for this parameter is 0.
    If this flag is enabled, the code will output processing information.
    ShapeCurvature: Visualizes the estimated total curvature as a gray-scale per-vertex color.
    --in <input geometry>
    This string specifies the name of the input geometry, represented in PLY format.
    [--out <ouput geometry>]
    This string specifies the name of the output geometry, represented in PLY format.
    [--nWeight <normal smoothing weight>]
    This floating point value gives the normal smoothing weight (γ).
    The default value for this parameter is 10-4.
    If this flag is enabled, the code will output processing information.

  • The code requires Eigen as a numerical solver.
    If you are using Eigen and your implementation is backed by Intel's Math Kernel Library (see discussion here), enable the EIGEN_USE_MKL_ALL macro by defining it in the file PreProcessor.h. (The two versions of the Windows executables are compiled with and without MKL support.)
  • For consistency of parameters, surfaces are rescaled to have unit area prior to processing (and then scaled back after processing).

  • ShapeGradientDomain:

    The figure below shows example of both homogenous and inhomogeneous geometry processing.

    • Top row: Homogeneous sharpening:
           ShapeGradientDomain --in armadillo.ply --out --gScale 2 --gWeight <gradient weight> 
    • Middle row: Homogeneous smoothing:
           ShapeGradientDomain --in armadillo.ply --out armadillo.smooth.ply --gScale 0 --gWeight <gradient weight> 
    • Bottom row: Inhomogeneous smoothing:
           ShapeGradientDomain --in armadillo.ply --out armadillo.smooth.ply --gScale 0 --gWeight <gradient weight> --kWeight 0.02
    For all three, the value of <gradient weight> is chosen from {1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5}
  • ShapeCurvature:

    The figure below visualizes the total curvature (square root of the sum of the squares of the principal curvatures) as per-vertex grayscale colors and gives the standard deviations of the estimated total curvature σ|κ|

         ShapeCurvature --in armadillo.ply --out armadillo.curvature.ply --nWeight <normal smoothing weight>
    The value of <normal smoothing weight> is chosen from {1e-4,1e-5,1e-6}.


Version 2.0:

  1. Added options to weight both value and gradient interpolation terms.
  2. Changed default values to correspond to diffusion time.

Version 3.0:

  1. Integrated normal smoothing within the gradient-domain processing application.

Version 4.0:

  1. Fixed default value weight to 1.0.
  2. Added support for fitting the geometry to prescribed normals.

Version 4.5:

  1. Enabled symbolic matrix factorization in pre-processing.
  2. Added support (and made default) normal smoothing through per-channel diffusion.

Version 5.0:

  1. Removed harmonic normal smoothing
  2. Removed normal smoothing iterations
  3. Added cuvature visualization executable


Gradient domain processing for signals (and geometry) on meshes






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