Originally 2021 HKDSE ICT SBA, themed as e-learn platform on software Krita
This project was originally a part of the 2021 HKDSE examination SBA (School-based Assessment),
while unluckily, CVOID-19 has damaged Hong Kong SAR in different areas include our education time
And so, Hong Kong Education Bureau has decided to cancel most of the elective's SBA project
I feel extremely sad and completely can't accept the decide from them,
As ICT is always a subject to proof ur skill with computers, and not with stupid paper tests.
Sadly im not powerful enough to change the result from government,
Therefore I decided to open source my project.
At here i strongly condemn how stupid and suck is our Education Bureau
and strongly condemn the draggle of our education environment
We can learn nothing, is nothing from our ICT syllabus.
Here I want to shout out my thanks to the developers and contributors who given lots of time on
Developing, maintaining such amazing open-source software Krita (repo)
You provided lots of help to the people that wasn't able to buy Photoshop yet
Thank you, i appreciate the hard work of you guys give to this project!
- Basic account creation and deletion (username, email, password)
- Basic session system (PHP session)
- Basic storage (local json storage system)
- Baisc security (MD5 hashed passwords)
- Basic profile viewing
- An article introducing Krita
- Basic tutorial for making icons with Krita
- A video showcasing how to use Krita to draw anime
- Simple quiz system on basic knownledge of Krita
- Basic download page (Krita installtion file is removed as it is too big & copyright issue)
- Basic forums (Storing message, time, user, email, avatar in local)
- Basic games (include a unity block obstacle game, probably gona open-source too later)
- Install a web server
cd /var/www/html/
//Go to ur www foldermkdir /projects/
//Setup website folder (you can changed to whatever u like)cd /projects/
git clone https://github.com/mkcoldwolf/ICTSBA-Krita-eLearn