- π« No ads, nothing.
- π Quran Offline
- π Murattal Audio
- π€² Daily Prayers
- π Native performance
- π Open source
- π Prayer Alarm
- πΏ Digital prayer beads
This handy table lists all the methods you can use to install Eeman:
Platform | Package/Installation Method |
Android |
You can compile Eeman's source code by following these instructions.
- Muhammad Khoirul Wafa - The Founder, Maintainer and Lead Developer
Eeman is open source and licensed under the BSD-4-Clause License.
- Adhan - Adhan is a library that calculates Islamic prayer times and Qibla direction.
- BLoC - Bloc is a predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern.
- Date Picker Timeline - A beautiful date picker timeline widget for Flutter.
- Equatable - Equatable is a Dart package that helps to compare objects without needing to override the == operator and hashCode.
- Feedback - Feedback is a library for collecting user feedback in Flutter apps.
- Flutter - Flutter is an open-source UI software development toolkit created by Google.
- Flutter Bloc - Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern.
- Flutter Email Sender - Flutter plugin for sending emails using native platform functionality.
- Flutter Local Notifications - A cross-platform plugin for displaying local notifications.
- Flutter Localizations - Flutter's localization and internationalization support.
- Flutter Native Splash - A package that automatically generates native code for adding splash screens in Flutter.
- Flutter Qiblah - A Flutter plugin for calculating and displaying Qiblah direction.
- Flutter ScreenUtil - A Flutter plugin for adapting screen and font size.
- Flutter Secure Storage - A Flutter plugin to store data in secure storage.
- Flutter SVG - An SVG rendering and widget library for Flutter.
- Flutter Timezone - Flutter plugin to get the timezone name.
- Geocoding - A Flutter plugin for geocoding and reverse geocoding.
- Geolocator - A Flutter plugin for accessing geolocation information.
- Get It - Simple direct Service Locator for Dart and Flutter apps.
- Intl - Package for internationalization and localization.
- Just Audio - A feature-rich audio playback library for Flutter.
- Notification Permissions - A Flutter plugin for managing notification permissions.
- Path - A library for manipulating file paths.
- Path Provider - A Flutter plugin for finding commonly used locations on the filesystem.
- Permission Handler - A Flutter plugin for checking and requesting permissions.
- Scrollable Positioned List - A Flutter package for scrollable lists that can be programmatically scrolled to a specific item.
- Skeletonizer - Converts already built widgets into skeleton loaders with no extra effort.
- Sqflite - SQLite plugin for Flutter.
- Bloc Test - A Dart package that makes testing BLoC classes a breeze.
- Build Runner - A build system for Dart code generation and modular compilation.
- Flutter Gen Runner - The Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, and more.
- Flutter Launcher Icons - A package which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon.
- Flutter Test - A Flutter package for testing Flutter apps.
- Mocktail - A Dart package that simplifies mocking with easy-to-read syntax.
- Very Good Analysis - A package for analyzing Dart code.
- Android Icon:
- iOS Icon:
- Image Path:
- Min SDK Android:
- Adaptive Icon Background:
- Adaptive Icon Foreground:
- Color:
- Image:
- Android 12:
- Image:
- Icon Background Color:
- Image:
- Output:
- Line Length:
- Integrations:
- Flutter SVG:
- Flutter SVG:
- Assets:
- Poppins:
(weight: 700)
- isepMisbah:
- DsDigital: