This little framework is the base for my static blog.
The blogging script takes json entries and generates html blog entries as well as an rss xml.
The directory structure is as following:
- raw: json files
- entries: generated blog entries
- templates: contains html and rss template files
- generates a new raw json file, sets datetime and opens vim editor
- takes raw json files and generates static html entries
Blog entries are basically simple json files containing the following.
"author": "mkind",
"date": "2017-05-28 01:51:12",
"title": "Hello!",
"entry": "
Hello World.
Each file is positioned in raw/YYYYmDD-HHMMSS.txt. Instead of
manually creating those files, you can use the script
. It
creates the corresponding file and opens the vim editor.
Note that the title of blog entries is generated automatically by taking
the first TITLE_LEN
characters of the entry.
The second step merges the templates given in templates/ and the raw json files in raw/ and builds html blog entries stores in entries/.
To do so, just execute
. Every blog entry is positioned in
a separate file in entries/YYYY/m/D/. There are also an overall html
files like entries/0.html, entries/1.html, ... which implement
The html generation relies on the string replacement of python.
You might need to configure the script by setting variables.