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Test examples

mkraska edited this page Aug 13, 2022 · 5 revisions

FBD example with all types of target objects

  [ "grid", "", "", -1.5, 6.5, -2.5, 4, 40],
  [ "forceGen", "F_1", [-0.5,3.5] ],
  [ "momentGen", "M_1", [1.5,3.5] ],  
  [ "beam", "", [0,0], [3,0], 0.15 , "show"],
  [ "bar", "", [3,0], [5,-1], "show" ],
  [ "fix1", "A", [0,0], 0, "show" ],
  [ "fix12", "C", [5,-1], 0, "show" ],
  [ "fix123", "D", [0,-2], 0, "show" ],
  [ "fix13", "E", [2,-1], 0, "show" ],
  [ "force", "F", [1,1.5], [1,0.5], -5 ],
  [ "label", "\\(B\\)", [2.80,-0.5] ],
  [ "polygon", "", [4,1],[5,1], [4,2], "show"],
  [ "circle", "", [1,-1],0.5,0, "show"],
  [ "rope", "1", [1,-1],0.5,[5,-1],0, "show"],
  [ "dashpot", "d", [1,2],[3,2], "show"],
  [ "springc", "k_1", [4,3],[5,3], "show"],
  [ "springt", "k_2", [4,2],[5,2], "show"],
  [ "wall", "", [4,-2],[1,-2], 45, "show"],
  [ "q", "", "q_0", [0,0.3], [3,0.3], 0.7,0.7,0, "show"]

Example with all types of objects

  [ "grid", "x","y", -5,5,-4,5, 50, [10,10], [0,0] ],
   ["moment", "M_A",[0,0],[0.5,0],[-0.6,0.7]],
   ["force","F_1", [0,0],[1,1], -15, "active"],
   ["fix123","A",[1,2], 90, "hide"],
   ["circle", "R_1", [-2,1],0.5,80, "hide"],
   ["circle", "R", [2,-1],1,20],
   ["circle", "r", [2,-1],[2.0,-1.3],340],
   ["dim", "D_1", [1,-1],[3,-1],-1.5],
   ["dim", "d_1", [2,-1.3],[2,-0.7],1.4],
   ["rope", "3", [2,-1],1,[-2,1],0.5, "hide"],
   ["rope", "4", [2,-1],1,[-2,1],-0.5],
   ["fix12","K",[2,-1], -0],
   ["fix12","B",[2,4], -0, "hide" ],
   ["fix1","C",[-2,1], 0],
   ["fix13","C",[2,2], 0, "hide"],
   ["bar","10",[-2,1], [0,3], "show"],
   ["bar","1",[-4,1], [-2,3]],
   ["beam","",[2,2], [4,2],0.08],
   ["fix1","D",[3.5,2], 0],
   ["wall","",[-2.5,1],[-4.5,1], 45],
   ["wall","",[-4.5,3],[-4.5,1], -45, "hide"],
   ["wall","",[-4.5,3],[-1.5,3], 45],
   ["beam","",[1,4],[1,2], 0.1, "hide"],
   ["beam","",[0,3],[2,4],[0,4],[2,3], 0.15],
   ["beam","",[2,4],[3,4.5], 0.08],
   ["polygon","",[-3,-1],[-1,-1],[-3,-2], "hide"],
   ["fix12","E",[-3,-2], 0],
   ["fix1","G",[-3,-1], 270, "hide"],
   ["force","F_2", [-1,-1],[-1,-2],5],
   ["angle1", "\\ddot \\varphi", [-2,1],[-1,1],0.9,30],
   ["angle2", "\\beta_1", [3,4.5],[3,3.8],0.5,-63.4],
   ["angle", ".", [4,-2],[3.2,-1.2],0.4,90],
   ["label", "ABC", [3.2,4.5], "red"],
   ["dir", "x", [4,3],0],
   ["dir", "y", [4,3],90,0,1],
   ["dir", "-x", [4,3],180],
   ["dir", "z", [4,3],270],
   ["dir", "z", [2.5,2.5],270,-1, 0.4],
   ["disp", "z", [4,1],90,10,0.5],
   ["node", "H", [-1,-1],15],
   ["point", "S", [-2.33,-1.33]],
   ["line", "", [-4,-4],[3,4] ],
   ["line", "", [-3.5,-3.5],[3,4],"--"],
   ["line", "", [-3,-3],[3,4],"."],
   ["line", "", [-2.5,-2.5],[3,4],"-."],
   ["q", "q_0", "", [-3,-1], [-1,-1], 1,0, 0, "hide"],
   ["springc", "k", [-4.4,2],[-3.5,2.5], 0.3, 3, 0.5, "hide"],
   ["springc", " \\underline{k}", [-1, -2],[0,-2] ],
   ["springt", "c", [2,1],[4,1], 0.3, 10, 3, 0.5],
   ["springt", "c", [-3,-2],[-2,-3], "hide"],
   ["springt", "c", [-4,-3.5],[-1,-3.5]],
   ["springt", "c", [1,-3.5],[2,-3.5]],
   ["dashpot", "d_1", [2,-3.5],[3,-3.5]],   
   ["dashpot", "d_2", [4,-2.5],[3,-3.5],0.2, "hide"],   
   ["mass", "m", [-4,-3.5] ],
   ["rot", "\\omega",[1,0],[0.5,0],[1.2, 0.6]],
   ["circle2p", "A", "B", [10,0], [20,10] ],
   ["line2p", "1-Achse", [10,0], [20,10] ],
   ["forceGen", "F_3", [-4.5, 4.5] ],
   ["momentGen", "M_3", [-3, 4.5] ],
   [ "spline", "", [-1, -3], [0, 0.5], [1,0.5], [0.5, 0], [0.5,1], "", "active" ],
   [ "crosshair", "", [-3.5,-2.5], [0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2] ]

Overview of Objects

This example produces the images used for the List of Objects page.


  [ "grid", "x","y", -0.5,3,-0.5,1.5, 40 ]


  [ "grid", "x","y", -1,15,-1,11, 40],
  [ "label", "grid", [-0.8, -0.5]],
  [ "label", "Text", [1, 9.5]],
  ["angle", "\\alpha", [2,1],[3,1],0.8,60],
  ["angle", ".", [1,1],[2,1],0.6,90],
  ["label", "angle", [1.5,0.5]],
  ["angle1", "\\beta", [3,1],[4,1],0.8,60],
  ["label", "angle1", [3,0.5]],
  ["angle2", "\\gamma", [4,1],[5,1],0.8,60],
  ["label", "angle2", [4,0.5]],
  [ "bar", "1", [6, 1], [8, 1] ],
  [ "label", "1", [6,0.7]],
  [ "label", "2", [8,0.7]],
  [ "label", "bar", [8.5,1] ],
  [ "beam","",[6, 2],[8,2],0.15],
  [ "label", "beam", [8.5,2 ] ],
  [ "circle", "r", [1,3],0.5,15], 
  [ "label", "circle", [1.5,2.5]],
  [ "circle2p", "A", "B", [3,3], [4,3]],
  [ "label", "circle2p", [3, 2.2]],
  [ "crosshair","", [5, 3] ],
  [ "label", "crosshair", [4.5, 2.2]],
  [ "dashpot", "d", [6,3], [8,3]],
  [ "label", "dashpot", [8.5, 3]],
  [ "dim", "\\ell", [6, 4], [8,4], 0 ],
  [ "label", "dim", [8.5, 4]],
  [ "dir", "x", [0.5, 4.3], 30 ],
  [ "label", "dir", [1, 4]],
  [ "disp", "v", [1.5, 4.3], 30 ],
  [ "label", "disp", [2, 4]],
  [ "fix1", "A", [1, 6], 0 ],
  [ "label", "fix1", [0.7, 6.4]],
  [ "fix12", "B", [2, 6], 0 ],
  [ "label", "fix12", [1.7, 6.4]],
  [ "fix123", "C", [3, 5.5], 0 ],
  [ "label", "fix123", [2.7, 6.4]],
  [ "fix13", "D", [4, 5.5], 0 ],
  [ "label", "fix13", [3.7, 6.4]],
  [ "q", "q_1","q_2", [6, 5], [8,5], 0.3 , 0.6],
  [ "label", "q", [8.5, 5]],
  [ "springt", "c", [6, 6], [8,6] ],
  [ "label", "springt", [8.5, 6]],
  [ "springc", "c", [6, 7], [8,7] ],
  [ "label", "springc", [8.5, 7]],
  [ "wall", "", [6, 8], [8,8], 45 ],
  [ "label", "wall", [8.5, 8]],
  [ "forceGen", "F_1", [10, 2]],
  [ "label", "forceGen", [11.5, 2]],
  [ "force", "F_2", [10, 1], [11,1], 10,"active"],
  [ "force", "F_3", [12, 1], [13,1] ],
  [ "label", "force", [11, 0.5]],
  [ "momentGen", "M_1", [10, 5]],
  [ "label", "momentGen", [11.5, 5]],
  [ "moment", "M_2", [10.5, 4], [10,3.5], [11, 3.5], "active" ],
  [ "moment", "M_0", [12.5, 4], [12,3.5], [13,3.5] ],
  [ "label", "moment", [11, 3]],
  [ "node", "A", [1, 8] ],
  [ "label", "node", [0.5, 7.5]],
  [ "point", "A", [2, 8] ],
  [ "label", "point", [1.5, 7.5]],
  [ "line", "", [10, 10.5, 11, 11.5], [6, 5.5, 6,5.5], "--" ],
  [ "label", "line", [12, 6]],
  [ "polygon", "", [10,6.5],[11.5,7], [11, 7.5], [10.5,7], [10,7.5] ],
  [ "label", "polygon", [12, 7]],
  [ "rot", "\\omega", [3.5, 4], [3,4.5], [4.2,4.7] ],
  [ "label", "rot", [3.3, 4] ],
  [ "rope", "1", [3,8], 0.5,  [5,8], 0.3 ],
  [ "circle", "", [3,8], 0.5, 0, "hide" ],
  [ "circle", "", [5,8], 0.3, 0, "hide" ],
  [ "label", "rope", [4, 7.2] ],
  [ "spline", "", [10, 8], [0, 0.5], [1.5,0], [0.5, 0], [1,0.5], "", "active" ],
  [ "label", "spline", [12, 8] ],
  [ "line2p", "1", [14, 9], [13, 9], "n1"],
  [ "line2p", "2", [11, 10], [12, 10] ],
  [ "label", "line2p", [10, 9.5] ] ,
  [ "mass", "m", [5,4.5] ],
  [ "label", "mass", [4.5, 4] ] 

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