Live wallpaper changer for linux. Inspired from thedevsaddam
Open terminal ( ctrl+alt+t ) and go to Home directory
cd ~
Install jq dependency.
sudo apt install jq
Set environment variable DISPLAY to 0
export DISPLAY=:0
Clone the repository
git clone
or download the zip file manually and unzip to Home directory
Change permission to 777
sudo chmod -R 777 linux-live-wallpaper
Run for the first time
bash /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/linux-live-wallpaper/
Replace YOUR_USER_NAME by your user name.
Note: To get username type whoami
in terminal
To change wallpaper automatically open crontab in edit mode
crontab -e
Copy the line below and paste
*/5 * * * * /bin/bash /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/linux-live-wallpaper/
The Cron job will run the script every five minutes and change the wallpaper. You can configure the Cron job to change the refresh time.
If you want set wallpaper tags
cd ~
cd linux-live-wallpaper
then run the command below:
- food
- nature
- people
- technology
- buildings
- objects
Note: Tags are the keyword to find specific wallpapers.
The linux-live-wallpaper is an open-source application licensed under the MIT License.