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Michael Krumin edited this page Dec 25, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the fusiBox wiki!

Here you can soon will be able to find information about what fusiBox is capable of and how to use it.

Data acquisition

How to run an mpep experiment

things to start:

on ZULTRA (all on the same Matlab 2015b session)
  • fus main GUI
  • motor controller
  • fusiListener
on ZEITLINE (separate Matlab sessions)
  • Timeline (2017b)
  • Eye-camera (2018a)
  • tlvs
on ZZZ (separate Matlab sessions)
  • mpepRetransmitter
  • mpep

Main fus GUI (Matlab GUI from Alan Urban and Gabriel Montaldo)

Motor controller

fusiListener (UDP client)

After starting the main fus GUI and the motor controller GUI run fusiListener. It will initialize a UDP client that will listen to UDP commands from mpep/expServer and act accordingly.

Why do we need to use fusiWorkaround GUI?

Otherwise the acquisition is blocking the UDP communication.

Acquiring a y-stack

  • Start fus GUI and do all the necessary initial steps there
  • Start motor controller
  • Assign values to animalName and yCoords variables
  • Run acquireYStack_old() with the necessary arguments

Running an mpep-based experiment

Running a signals-based experiment

Data analysis

YStack class

Analysis of Kalatsky type experiments

Stimulus triggered average response

Visualization of raw data