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A powerful and easy to use Python framework for experiment tracking and incremental computing


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Computations that save, query and version themselves


mandala is a framework for experiment tracking and incremental computing with a simple plain-Python interface. It automates away the pain of experiment data management (did I run this already? what's in this file? where's the result of that computation? ...) with the following mix of features:

  • plain-Python: decorate the functions whose calls you want to save, and just write ordinary Python code using them - including data structures and control flow. The results are automatically accessible upon a re-run, queriable, and versioned. No need to save, load, or name anything by yourself
  • never compute the same thing twice: mandala saves the result of each function call, and (hashes of) the inputs and the dependencies (functions/globals) accessed by the call. If later the inputs and dependencies are the same, it just loads the results from storage.
  • query by pattern-matching directly to computational code: your code already knows the relationships between variables in your project! mandala lets you produce tables relating any variables by directly pointing to the code establishing the wanted relationship between them.
  • fine-grained versioning that's under your control: each function's source code has its own "mini git repo" behind the scenes, and each call tracks the versions of all dependencies that went into it. You can decide when a change to a dependency (e.g. refactoring a function to improve readability) doesn't change its semantics (so calls dependent on it won't be recomputed).


pip install git+


"mandala addresses a core challenge in my notebook workflow: being able to explore data with code, without having to worry about losing the results of expensive calculations." - Adam Jermyn, Member of Technical Staff, Anthropic

Video walkthroughs

Rapidly iterate on a project with memoization


Decorate the functions you want to memoize with @op, and compose programs out of them by chaining their inputs and outputs using ordinary control flow and collections. Every such program is end-to-end memoized:

  • it becomes an imperative query interface to its own results by (quickly) re-executing the same code, or parts of it
  • it is incrementally extensible with new logic and parameters in-place, which makes it both easy and efficient to interact with experiments

Query by directly pattern-matching Python code


Any computation in a with block is also a declarative query interface to analogous computations in the entire storage:

  • get a table of all values with the same computational history: storage.similar(x, y, ...) returns a table of all values in the storage that were computed in the same ways as x, y, ..., but possibly starting from different inputs
  • query through collections: queries propagate provenance from a collection to its elements and vice-versa. This means you can query through operations that aggregate many objects into one, or produce many objects from a fixed number.
    • NOTE: a collection in a computation can pattern-match any collection in the storage with the same kinds of elements (as given by their computational history), but not necessarily in the same order or quantity. This ensures that you don't only match to the specific computation you have, but all analogous computations too.
  • define queries explicitly: for full control, use the with storage.query(): context manager. For more on how this works, see below

Automatic per-call versioning and dependency tracking


mandala comes with a very fine-grained versioning system:

  • per-call dependency tracking: automatically track the functions and global variables accessed by each memoized call, and alert you to changes in them, so you can (carefully) choose whether a change to a dependency requires recomputation of dependent calls (like bug fixes and changes to logic) or not (like refactoring, comments, and logging)
  • the code determines all versions automatically: use the current state of each dependency in your codebase to automatically determine the currently compatible versions of each memoized function to use in computation and queries. In particular, this means that:
    • you can go "back in time" and access the storage relative to an earlier state of the code (or even branch in a new direction like in git) by just restoring this state
    • the code is the truth: when in doubt about the meaning of a result, you can just look at the current code.


from mandala.imports import *

# the storage saves calls and tracks dependencies, versions, etc.
storage = Storage( 
    deps_path='__main__' # track dependencies in current session

@op # memoization (and more) decorator
def increment(x: int) -> int: # always indicate number of outputs in return type
  print('hi from increment!')
  return x + 1

increment(23) # function acts normally

with # context manager that triggers `mandala`
  y = increment(23) # now it's memoized w.r.t. this version of `increment`

print(y) # result wrapped with metadata. 
print(unwrap(y)) # `unwrap` gets the raw value

  y = increment(23) # loads result from `storage`; doesn't execute `increment`

@op # type-annotate data structures to store elts separately
def average(nums: list) -> float: 
  print('hi from average!')
  return sum(nums) / len(nums)

# memoized functions are designed to be composed!
    # sliding averages of `increment`'s results over 3 elts
    nums = [increment(i) for i in range(5)]
    for i in range(3):
        result = average(nums[i:i+3])

# get a table of all values similar to `result` in `storage`,
# i.e., computed as average([increment(something), ...])
# read the message this prints out!
print(storage.similar(result, context=True))

# change implementation of `increment` and re-run
# you'll be asked if the change requires recomputing dependencies (say yes)
def increment(x: int) -> int:
  print('hi from new increment!')
  return x + 2

    nums = [increment(i) for i in range(5)]
    for i in range(3):
        # only one call to `average` is executed!
        result = average(nums[i:i+3])

# query is ran against the *new* version of `increment`
print(storage.similar(result, context=True))

Basic usage

This is a quick guide on how to get up to speed with the core features and avoid common pitfalls.

Storage and the @op decorator

A Storage instance holds all the data (saved calls and metadata) for a collection of memoized functions. In a given project, you should have just one Storage and many memoized functions connected to it. This way, the calls to memoized functions create a queriable web of interlinked objects.

from mandala.all import Storage, op

storage = Storage(
  db_path='my_persistent_storage.db', # omit for an in-memory storage
  deps_path='path_to_code_folder/', # omit to disable automatic dependency tracking
  spillover_dir='spillover_dir/', # spillover storage for large objects
  # see docs for more options

The @op decorator marks a function f as memoizable. Some notes apply:

  • f must have a fixed number of arguments (defaults are allowed, and arguments can always be added backward-compatibly)
  • f must have a fixed number of return values, and this must be annotated in the function signature or declared as @op(nout=...)
  • f must have a compatible interface throughout its life.
    • The only way to change f's interface once it already has memoized calls is to add new arguments with default values.
    • if you want to change the interface in an incompatible way, you should either just make a new function (under a new name), or increment the @op(version=...) argument.
  • the list, dict and set collections, when used as argument/return annotations, cause elements of these collections to be stored separately. To avoid confusion, tuples are reserved for specifying the number of outputs.
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np

@op # core mandala decorator
def load_data(n_class: int = 10) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    return load_digits(n_class=n_class, return_X_y=True)

def train_model(X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray,
                n_estimators:int = 5) -> RandomForestClassifier:
    return RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators,
                                  max_depth=2).fit(X, y)

Calling an @op-decorated function "normally" does not memoize. To actually put data in the storage, you must put calls inside a with block.

Compute & memoize with

@op-decorated functions are designed to be composed with one another inside blocks. This composability lets you use the same piece of ordinary Python code to compute, save, load, and any combination of the three:

# generate the dataset. This saves `X, y` to storage.
    X, y = load_data()

# later, train a model by directly adding on top of this code. `load_data` is
# not computed again
    X, y = load_data()
    model = train_model(X, y)
# iterate on this with more parameters & logic
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

def get_acc(model:RandomForestClassifier, X:np.ndarray, y:np.ndarray) -> float:
    return round(accuracy_score(y_pred=model.predict(X), y_true=y), 2)

    for n_class in (10, 5, 2):
        X, y = load_data(n_class)
        for n_estimators in (5, 10, 20):
            model = train_model(X, y, n_estimators=n_estimators)
            acc = get_acc(model, X, y)
ValueRef(0.66, uid=15a...)
ValueRef(0.73, uid=79e...)
ValueRef(0.81, uid=5a4...)
ValueRef(0.84, uid=6c4...)
ValueRef(0.89, uid=fb8...)
ValueRef(0.93, uid=c3d...)
ValueRef(1.0, uid=b67...)
ValueRef(1.0, uid=b67...)
ValueRef(1.0, uid=b67...)

Memoized functions return Ref instances (ValueRef, ListRef, ...), which bundle the actual return value with storage metadata. To get the return value itself, use unwrap. It works recursively on collections (lists, dicts, sets, tuples) as well.

You can imperatively query storage just by retracing some code that's been entirely memoized:

from mandala.all import unwrap
# use composable memoization as imperative query interface
    X, y = load_data(5)
    for n_estimators in (5, 20):
        model = train_model(X, y, n_estimators=n_estimators)
        acc = get_acc(model, X, y)

Implicit declarative queries

You can point to local variables in memoized code, and get a table of all values in storage with the same functional dependencies as these variables have in the code. For example, the storage.similar() method can be used to get values with the same joint computational history as the given variables. To be able to use a local variable in storage.similar(), it needs to be wrapped as a Ref (which has no effect on computation):

from mandala.all import wrap
# use composable memoization as imperative query interface
    n_class = wrap(5)
    X, y = load_data(n_class)
    for n_estimators in wrap((5, 20)): # `wrap` maps over list, set and tuple
        model = train_model(X, y, n_estimators=n_estimators)
        acc = get_acc(model, X, y)
storage.similar(n_class, n_estimators, acc)
Pattern-matching to the following computational graph (all constraints apply):
    n_estimators = Q() # input to computation; can match anything
    n_class = Q() # input to computation; can match anything
    X, y = load_data(n_class=n_class)
    model = train_model(X=X, y=y, n_estimators=n_estimators)
    acc = get_acc(model=model, X=X, y=y)
    result = storage.df(n_class, n_estimators, acc)
   n_class  n_estimators       acc
1       10            5       0.66
0       10            10      0.73
2       10            20      0.81
7       5             5       0.84
6       5             10      0.89
8       5             20      0.93
4       2             5       1.00
3       2             10      1.00
5       2             20      1.00

The computational graph printed out by the query (default verbose=True) is also a good starting point for running an explicit query where you directly provide the computational graph instead of extracting it from a program.

Explicit declarative queries with storage.query():

The kind of printout above can be directly copy-pasted into a with storage.query(): block. Here it is with some more explanation:

with storage.query():
    n_class = Q() # creates a variable that can match any value in storage
    # @op calls impose constraints between the values variables can match
    X, y = load_data(n_class)
    n_estimators = Q() # another variable that can match anything
    model = train_model(X, y, n_estimators=n_estimators)
    acc = get_acc(model, X, y)
    # get a table where each row is a matching of the given variables
    # that satisfies the constraints
    result = storage.df(n_class, n_estimators, acc)

How the .query() context works

  • a query variable, generated with Q() or as return value from an @op (like X, y, ... above), can in principle match any value in the storage.
  • by chaining together calls to @ops, you impose constraints between the inputs and outputs to the op. For exampe, X, y = load_data(n_class) imposes the constraint that a matching of values (a, b, c) to (n_class, X, y) must satisfy b, c = load_data(a).
  • You can omit even required function arguments. This leaves them unconstrained.
  • the df method takes any sequence of variables, and returns a table where each row is a matching of values to the respective variables that satisfies all the constraints.

The query implementation has not been optimized for performance at this point. Keep in mind that

  • if your query is not sufficiently constrained, there may be a combinatorial explosion of results;
  • if you query involves many variables and constraints, the default SQL query solver may have a hard time, or flat out raise an error. Try using engine='naive' in the storage.similar() or storage.df() methods instead.

Versioning and dependency tracking

Passing a value to the deps_path parameter of the Storage class enables dependency tracking and versioning. This means that any time a memoized function actually executes (instead of loading an already saved call), it keeps track of the functions and global variables it accesses along the way.

The number of tracked functions should be limited for efficiency (you typically don't want to track changes in installed libraries!). Setting deps_path to "__main__" will only look for dependencies defined in the current interactive session or process. Setting it to a folder will only look for dependencies defined in this folder.

NOTE: The @track decorator

The most efficient and reliable implementation of dependency tracking currently requires you to explicitly put @track on non-memoized functions and classes you want to track. This limitation may be lifted in the future, but at the cost of more magic.

What is a version?

A version for a memoized function is (to a first approximation) a set of source codes for functions/methods/global variables accessed by some call to this function. Even if you don't change anything in the code, a single function can have multiple versions if it invokes different dependencies for different calls. For example, consider this code:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from mandala.imports import Storage, op, track
from typing import Tuple, Any

N_CLASS = 10

@track # to track a non-memoized function as a dependency
def scale_data(X):
    return StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=False).fit_transform(X)

def load_data() -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    X, y = load_digits(n_class=N_CLASS, return_X_y=True)
    return X, y

def train_model(X, y, scale=False) -> LogisticRegression:
    if scale:
        X = scale_data(X)
    return LogisticRegression().fit(X, y)

def eval_model(model, X, y, scale=False) -> Any:
    if scale:
        X = scale_data(X)
    return model.score(X, y)

storage = Storage(deps_path='__main__')

    X, y = load_data()
    for scale in [False, True]:
        model = train_model(X, y, scale=scale)
        acc = eval_model(model, X, y, scale=scale)

When you run it, train_model and eval_model will each have two versions - one that depends on scale_data and one that doesn't. You can confirm this by calling storage.versions(train_model). Now suppose we make some changes and re-run:


def scale_data(X):
    return StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True).fit_transform(X)

def eval_model(model, X, y, scale=False) -> Any:
    if scale:
        X = scale_data(X)
    return round(model.score(X, y), 2)

    X, y = load_data()
    for scale in [False, True]:
        model = train_model(X, y, scale=scale)
        acc = eval_model(model, X, y, scale=scale)

When entering the block, the storage will detect the changes in the tracked components, and for each change will present you with the functions affected:

  • N_CLASS is a dependency for load_data;
  • scale_data is a dependency for the calls to train_model and eval_model which had scale=True;
  • eval_model is a dependency for itself.

Semantic vs content changes and versions

For each change to the content of some dependency (the source code of a function or the value of a global variable), you can choose whether this content change is also a semantic change. A semantic change will cause all calls that have accessed this dependency to not appear memoized with respect to the new state of the code. The content versions of a single dependency are organized in a git-like DAG (currently, tree) that can be inspected using storage.sources(f) for functions.

Going back in time

Since the versioning system is content-based, simply restoring an old state of the code makes the storage automatically recognize which "world" it's in, and which calls are memoized in this world.

A warning about non-semantic changes

The main motivation for allowing non-semantic changes is to maintain clarity in the storage when doing routine code improvements (refactoring, comments, logging). However, non-semantic changes should be applied with care. Apart from being prone to errors (you wrongly conclude that a change has no effect on semantics when it does), they can also introduce invisible dependencies: suppose you factor a function out of some dependency and mark the change non-semantic. Then the newly extracted function may in reality be a dependency of the existing calls, but this goes unnoticed by the system.

Other gotchas

  • under development: the biggest gotcha is that this project is under active development, which means things can change unpredictably.
  • slow: it hasn't been optimized for performance, so many things are quite inefficient
  • pure functions: you should probably only use it for functions with a deterministic input-output behavior if you're new to this project:
    • changing a Ref's object in-place will generally break things. If you really need to update an object in-place, wrap the update in an @op so that you get instead a new Ref (with updated metadata) pointing to the same (changed) object, and discard the old Ref.
    • if a function does not have a deterministic set of dependencies it invokes for each given call, this may break the versioning system's invariants.
  • avoid long (e.g. > 50) chains of calls in queries: you should keep your workflows relatively shallow for queries to be efficient. This means e.g. no long recursive chains of calling a function repeatedly on its output
  • don't rename anything (yet): there isn't good support yet for renaming functions, or moving functions around files. It's possible to rename functions and their arguments, but this is still undocumented.
  • deletion: no interfaces are currently exposed for deleting results.
  • examine complex queries manually: the color refinement algorithm used to extract a declarative query from a computational graph can in rare cases fail to realize that two vertices have different roles in the computational graph when projecting to the query. When in doubt, you should examine the printout of the query and tweak it if necessary.


Related work

mandala combines ideas from, and shares similarities with, many technologies. Here are some useful points of comparison:

  • memoization:
    • standard Python memoization solutions are joblib.Memory and functools.lru_cache. mandala uses joblib serialization and hashing under the hood.
    • incpy is a project that integrates memoization with the python interpreter itself.
    • funsies is a memoization-based distributed workflow executor that uses an analogous notion of hashing to mandala to keep track of which computations have already been done. It works on the level of scripts (not functions), and lacks queriability and versioning.
    • koji is a design for an incremental computation data processing framework that unifies over different resource types (files or services). It also uses an analogous notion of hashing to keep track of computations.
  • queries:
    • all queries in mandala are conjunctive queries, a fundamental class of queries in relational algebra.
    • conjunctive queries are also related to category theory, see e.g. here.
    • the color refinement algorithm used to extract a query from an arbitrary computational graph is a standard tool for finding similar substructure in graphs and testing for graph isomorphism.
  • versioning:
    • the revision history of each function in the codebase is organized in a "mini-git repository" that shares only the most basic features with git: it is a content-addressable tree, where each edge tracks a diff from the content at one endpoint to that at the other. Additional metadata indicates equivalence classes of semantically equivalent contents.
    • semantic versioning is another popular code versioning system. mandala is similar to semver in that it allows you to make backward-compatible changes to the interface and logic of dependencies. It is different in that versions are still labeled by content, instead of by "non-canonical" numbers.
    • the unison programming language represents functions by the hash of their content (syntax tree, to be exact).


A powerful and easy to use Python framework for experiment tracking and incremental computing







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