A Clojure library to facilitate launching of sub-processes and piping (streaming) data.
- A declarative syntax for defining new processes to specify input, output, encoding, and other bevhavior
- Handling for common use-cases (i.e. pass stdout/err of the process to the same destination as the parent, merge stderr of the process to stdout, output directly to a File, etc)
- The pipe macro handles all the complexity of managing multipe streams and threads for stremaing data through multiple processes and clojure functions.
- backward compatible with existing code that uses clojure.java.shell (i.e. a drop-in replacement)
user=> (use 'clojure.java.shell2)
user=> (import 'java.io.StringReader) ;input can be a Stream, Reader, File, byte[] or String
user=> (def input (StringReader. "line1\nline2\n"))
simple example, calling unix sort on some input data
user=> (sh "sort" :in input)
{:err "" :exit 0 :out "line1\nline2\n"}
More complex example: count the lines of input, pass the stderr to stderr of the JVM, and specify a fn to capture the output and post-process it.
user=> (require '[clojure.string :as string])
user=> (sh "wc" "-l" :in input :err :pass
:out #(string/trim (slurp %)))
{:err nil :exit 0 :out "2"}
user=> (:out *1)
A simple example, my-filter-fn would be a a-arg function called with an InputStream to read the output of the previous process and an OutputStream to write results. Note that the data is streamed through these functions asynchronously.
(sh "cat" :in input)
(sh "wc" "-l"))
Another example, using the convenience wrapper functions. wrap-text-lines, for example, wraps a function that receives a line-seq as it's only output, and the return value of the fn is used as the output. The RV is expected to be a seq of lines which are streamed to the outstream separated by the system line separator.
(sh "ls" "-l")
(sh "sed" "p")
(wrap-text-lines #(filter (partial re-find #"project.clj") %))
(sh "wc" "-l")
(wrap count :in :line-seq :out :forward)
(sh "cat"))
Add to leiningen
:dependencies [com.climate/java.shell2 "0.1.0"]
Processes are started with clojure.java.shell2/sh. Multiple sh invocations and fn calls can be coordinated with clojure.java.shell2/pipe. Inside the pipe, fn arguments receive two args [in out]. But you can use the wrapper convenience functions (wrap and wrap-text-lines) to change this.
See the docstrings for details.
Tested with Clojure 1.2 - 1.5.1
This work is an extension of clojure.java.shell by Chris Houser and Stuart Halloway.
clojure.java.shell2 was developed at The Climate Corporation. Thanks to climate.com for allowing it to be open-sourced.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.