A microcontroller radio project using the Adafruit PyBadge and CircuitPython
Using the Adafruit Pybadge along with an Adalogger FeatherWing, the PyBadge plays a song from an sdcard with a simple button press.
I very much wanted to create a small radio for my 2yo son, so that he could play some tunes without having to use some kind of smart device. This is very much inspired by the Yoto Mini, but I was interested in creating something a bit simpler, and could play wav files directly.
The code in main.py and badgey.py work together to play the listed files from the /sd directory, and it all more or less works as planned! Recently I added continous playback, and the ability to repeat a certain song.
Code is provided under the MIT licence Images in the /media folder provided under the CC-BY 4.0 licence 3D model files in provided under CC-BY 4.0
- radio-body.stl and speaker-face.stl are derived from a Thermal Camera pybadge enclosure created by JohanAR
- this whole project would not have been possible without the guides and code examples provided by Adafruit