Collects various kinds of code metrics for OOI repositories
OOI ION Release 1:
OOI ION Release 2:
The script lists a number of git repositories to scan in the source code. The repository directories are all expected within the parent directory of this script, i.e. in ../
There are 2 flags in the code that toggle whether git pull should be called before counting, and whether metrics should be calculated by committer name as well.
- The script only counts files in defined directories. If there are additional files on other, not listed directories, then these will not be counted
- The script applies a very simple method to eliminate empty and comment lines (by file type)
- The script cannot distinguish code copied from external sources and counts it as well
- The by name count also counts empty lines and comments. It uses git blame
- Committers that modify someone else's code (e.g. indent it one level) get credited with other code
- Committers that duplicate code or paste code from the web get credited with that code
- And of course SLOC is not a good metric for measuring software progress and quality