#Cat Chaser
This projects primary purpose is to be a simple app that runs on Raspberry Pi to control a modified remote control car to chase cats.
This projects secondary purpose is to provide an example of how one might integrate a flask app with the GPIO pins of a Raspberry Pi. To control two independent DC motors while streaming 'live' video.
PIN 4, 17 should be wired to the inputs of a micro-controller attached to DC (Driving Motor)
PIN 24, 25 should be wired to the inputs of a micro-controller attached to DC (Turning Motor)
A good simple motor controller L293D
It is highly recommended to use a virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
Enable the Raspberry Pi camera, and stream video from Raspberry Pi, using mjpeg or streaming service of your preference. A good tutorial on how to do this can be found here
Make Sure that the RPi.GPIO module is accesable if it is not then the stub module will be used, and your motors won't spin
PI_ADDRESS: the external address of the Raspberry Pi used for streaming video
IMG_PORT: the port of the streaming service (ffmpeg)
How to start server:
python run.py
-p --port :default = 8000
-o --host :default = localhost
-t --threads :default = False (If you want to be able serve multiple requests)
How to add a user:
python add_user.py
How to run tests: