Efficient and accurate QSM dipole invsersion based on 3D U-Net and GAN
Overview: This deep learning tool takes preprocessed phase and magnitude data and produces processed QSM images. To read about the network architecture and training process please refer to our article: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811919309802?via%3Dihub
PyTorch >= 0.4 Matlab 2015b
IMPORTANT: To fully utilize this project, create anaconda or virtualenv on machines with GPUs and install packages used in pytorch code.
To apply trained models to new data,
- Run SEPIA https://sepia-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Run DL script with local field from step 1 (post background field removal), for example:
python make_swan_qsm_DL.py /path/to/phase/data/subID_tissue_phase.nii
For support please contact: janine.lupo at ucsf.edu