Search on pastebin based on api
-s, --search [QUERY] General search on pastebin
-S, --searchv2 [QUERY] Same as -s but with api v2
-m, --mail [EMAIL] Search for emails
-d, --domain [DOMAIN] Search specific domain
-o, --save [directory] Save paste into directory
-p, --prefix [prefix] prefix when save paste
-b, --browser Open paste in browser (if result < 20)
// only for go
-f, --fast Use goroutine (Faster but can triggering captcha)
- If paste exist it will be print in blue in the output.
- If paste was deleted or expired it will be print in red and will not be saved or open in browser.
- If pastebin is not reachable cause of captcha, it will be print in purple
For Linux:
sudo make install
# or
sudo make all
For Termux:
make termux-install
# or
make termux-all
for linux:
sudo make clean
for termux
make termux-clean
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/pastesearch
sudo cp /usr/bin/pastesearch
sudo chmod +x !$