🔭 I’m currently working on building a robust DevSecOps pipeline for multiple environments, with a focus on integrating security throughout every step of the CI/CD process. This includes leveraging cloud services for deployments and other infrastructure needs.
🌱 I’m currently deepening my knowledge in Kubernetes for container orchestration and Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC). I'm also exploring advanced topics in cloud security and automated compliance checks.
🛡️ I have a strong background in cybersecurity, especially in secure code reviews, where I apply best practices to ensure the security and robustness of codebases. This expertise complements my DevSecOps skills and helps in building secure and reliable systems.
👨💻 You can explore all my projects, including my latest DevSecOps practices and automation scripts, at http://aziz-bchini.me. I regularly update my portfolio with new learnings and implementations.
📫 Feel free to reach out to me at ✉️ [email protected]. I'm always open to discussing new projects, collaborations, or just sharing knowledge on DevSecOps and security automation.
Tailwind CSS |
React |
TypeScript |
JavaScript |
Node.js |
Django |
Flask |
Express |
NestJS |
MongoDB |
PostgreSQL |
Jenkins |
Github Actions |
ArgoCD |
Docker |
![]() Docker Swarm |
Kubernetes |
Helm |
Azure |
Windows |
Linux |
Terraform |
Vagrant |
Ansible |
Chef |
Puppet |
Nginx |
Kong |
Prometheus |
Grafana |
SonarQube |
Snyk |
Semgrep |
OWASP Dependency Check |
Trivy |
Burp Suite |
Metasploit |
DefectDojo |
Dependency-Track |
HashiCorp Vault |