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70 lines (69 loc) · 6.13 KB

File metadata and controls

70 lines (69 loc) · 6.13 KB
  1. Install vagrant and virtual box
  2. Create and initiate the Vagrantfile
    • The static ip addresses given to the created VMs are not arbitrary, they're actually within the subnet of the virutalbox virtual network interface.
  3. Use vagrant up command in the cli to bring up the VMs
    • It will take some time to download and setup the box images
    • To turn off the VMs gracefully use vagrant halt
    • To destroy the VMs use vagrant destroy alt text alt text The provisioned VMs are up and running
  4. Use vagrant ssh control to establish a ssh connection to the control VM (the default password is vagrant)
  5. Inside the VM, if use go in the /vagrant directory, you'll find the same files that are in your host machine (project directory). These files are shared between the host and all the provisioned VMs.
  6. We need to ensure that the control node can ping all the other nodes. To do so we need to add node hostnames and IP addresses to the /etc/hosts file. First, add this hosts file to your project directory, then after logging in the control VM using ssh, execute this command: sudo cp /vagrant/hosts /etc/hosts. alt text The ping command is now working successfully
  7. To make (node) hosts ssh accessible (from control hosts) we need to execute these two command:
    1. ssh-keygen to generate ssh key pairs
    2. ssh-copy-id node1 && ssh-copy-id node2 && ssh-copy-id node3 to copy the local SSH public key to the respective remote server.
  8. To login to one of the nodes (node1 for example), we just need to run ssh vagrant@node1 alt text We are inside node1 VM
  9. In your host machines (project folder) create a directory called ansible/. Within that directory, create two files: myhosts (that will be our inventory file) and playbook_docker.yml (that will be our main playbook for this project).
  10. Add host groups and hosts to ansible/myhosts file, and add define tasks in the ansible/playbook_docker.yml file.
  11. To make sure basic ansible connectivity is working without running the playbook, we need to run an ad-hoc ansible command. In our case, we'll run this command ansible nodes -i /vagrant/ansible/myhosts -m command -a hostname
    • But first, we need to install ansible in our control VM. alt text The ad-hoc command was successful.
  12. Now we gonna run the playbook, using this command: ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/myhosts -K /vagrant/ansible/playbook_docker.yml. - We will be promted to type the BECOME password, which is the same as the sudo password to every node machine. Remember: the password is vagrant. alt text Everything went as expected.
  13. We can ssh to node1 and verify that docker was indeed installed sucessfully
    1. from the control VM, run ssh vagrant@node1.
    2. Yes docker was installed successfully. alt text
  14. Create the file.
  15. Create the requirements.txt file.
  16. Create Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files.
  17. Populate all the previously mentionned files (4 files)
  18. Login to node1 (through ssh) and run the container in detach mode. To do so, you can run this command docker compose -f /vagrant/docker-compose.yml up -d.
    • When running the container for the very first time, it will automatically build the docker image first using the Dockerfile.
  19. On you host pc, go to the browser and type <node1_ip_address>:5000. If everything is working as planned u should get this page: alt text And on our control VM, we run curl node1:5000 alt text
  20. In your project directory, create a folder called docker-swarm
    1. Create and populate a file called called swarm.yml that will be our playbook to setup swarm.
    2. Create and populate a file called called myhosts that will be our inventory for that playbook.
  21. To setup swarm, run this command ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/docker-swarm/myhosts -K /vagrant/docker-swarm/swarm.yml (Remember: BECOME password is vagrant).
  22. To verify docker swarn was correctly setup on our nodes, we have to ssh login to one of the nodes (node1 for example) and run sudo docker node ls. alt text Brilliant! Node1 is indeed the manager.
  23. To run our application in the docker swarm, we need to:
    1. Shut down the running container in node1 using docker compose down command. Make sure you are in the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is!
    2. We need to build our flask web app docker image. use docker build -t vagrant-project/flaskwebapp .
    3. Go to the docker-swarm directory and create and new docker-compose.yml that will have small changes from our initial /vagrant/docker-compose.yml file.
    4. Run this command to start the web app on docker swarm: docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml myapp. Make sure you are in the docker-swarm directory!
    5. To remove the newly created stack myapp you can use docker stack rm myapp.
  24. Remember, we're still in the node1 VM. After running the docker stack services myapp command, we can see that our app have just one single replica for now. What we gonna do is to scale up our application to 3 nodes. To do so, run this command: docker service scale myapp_web=3.
    • Even if we just have 3 node VMs, we are not limited to just 3 replicas. We can have as much replicas as we want (6 for examples). Our only constraint is the VM computing power (cpu, memory, ...). TADAAA! alt text We can also run docker service ps myapp_web to see more details. That command output can actually show us that the load balancing is really working. alt text
  25. If we login to the control VM and run many curl command to the node:5000, we can see that each time the printed hostname is different. That is due to the load balancing. alt text Same thing with the other nodes: alt text If you want to control the load balancing between the nodes, you can use some tools like nginx.