Releases: mocaccinoOS/community-repository
Releases · mocaccinoOS/community-repository
To Bin or not to Bin
Be able to toggle use of the binary package for packages.
Added outer build requires in contrast to inner build requires:
- outer build requires should be built first
- then package dependencies that include package inner build requires.
Outer build requires are global build requirements to all the process, on top of the initial build requires, that should be run right after the build requires compilation and before any dependency package.
Inner build requires are the dependencies of the particular package, so they are built once for the overall process right before the first package that needs them.
Fresh Codes on the Block
Use maps to decide which package to build first, generate the build config in a more natural way with regards to bash commands, to avoid special characters escaping abuse and interpolate strings instead of formatting.
Helm Rulz
A technical release, having the build system heavily based on the Helm functions.