Super-simple, minimum abstraction iContact API v2 wrapper, in PHP.
Requires PHP 5.3 and a pulse.
You can install the iContact-api using Composer:
composer require mizanur/icontact-api-php
use this on top of your class:
use iContact\iContactApi;
// Give the API your information
'appId' => '',
'apiPassword' => '',
'apiUsername' => ''
// Store the singleton
$oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance();
// Try to make the call(s)
try {
// are examples on how to call the iContact PHP API class
// Grab all contacts
// Grab a contact
// Create a contact
var_dump($oiContact->addContact('[email protected]', null, null, 'Joe', 'Shmoe', null, '123 Somewhere Ln', 'Apt 12', 'Somewhere', 'NW', '12345', '123-456-7890', '123-456-7890', null));
// Get messages
// Create a list
var_dump($oiContact->addList('somelist', 1698, true, false, false, 'Just an example list', 'Some List'));
// Subscribe contact to list
var_dump($oiContact->subscribeContactToList(42094396, 179962, 'normal'));
// Grab all campaigns
// Create message
var_dump($oiContact->addMessage('An Example Message', 585, '<h1>An Example Message</h1>', 'An Example Message', 'ExampleMessage', 33765, 'normal'));
// Schedule send
var_dump($oiContact->sendMessage(array(33765), 179962, null, null, null, mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2012)));
// Upload data by sending a filename (execute a PUT based on file contents)
var_dump($oiContact->uploadData('/path/to/file.csv', 179962));
// Upload data by sending a string of file contents
$sFileData = file_get_contents('/path/to/file.csv'); // Read the file
var_dump($oiContact->uploadData($sFileData, 179962)); // Send the data to the API
} catch (Exception $oException) { // Catch any exceptions
// Dump errors
// Grab the last raw request data
// Grab the last raw response data
Note for contributors: This is not Code Golf.