Custom MODX Google Maps Marker Template Variable. Adds a Google Maps and several fields. Ideal for Sites that use allot of address related information.
- Clean interface.
- Google Maps Preview
- Generate Latitude and Longitude with one button click.
- Drag 'n Drop to easily find and change the latitude and longitude of correct location.
- Stored in JSON
- Allows several instances of Google Maps
- Snippet for JSONtoChunk
- Install the Package
- Create a new TV.
- Select under the tab Input Options : Input Type Maps Tv
- Save and your Done.
- Street : [[+street]]
- Housenumber : [[+housenumber]]
- Zipcode : [[+zipcode]]
- City : [[+city]]
- State : [[+state]]
- Country : [[+country]]
- Latitude : [[+latitude]]
- Longitude : [[+longitude]]