- Laravel Passwordless Login Login link generator
- Laravel Vite Integrate Vite with Laravel
- Laravel Share Share social media on any page without repeating
- Laravel Google Translate Add google translate api
- Laravel Permission User permissions and roles
- Permission Manager Admin interface for laravel permission
- Laravel SEO Add SEO to any laravel project
- Laravel to Javascript Transform PHP variables to Javascript
- Laravel Money Easily format and convert money
- Laravel Model Status Add a model status as a trait with many additional features
- Laravel Cookie Consent Add cookie consent to any laravel website
- Blueprint Generate code from a human readable definition
- Page Manager Add/Edit pages to laravel project
- Lang File Manager Interfeace to edit language files for laravel
- Laravel Markable Add likes, bookmarks, favourites and many markables to laravel
- Menu Generator Menu generator for laravel
- Laravel Subscribe User subscribe/unsubscribe feature for laravel
- Laravel Fovorite User favorite feature for laravel
- News CRUD Write articles with categories and tags
- Laravel Role Manage role, permissions, and every action.
- Laravel CRUD Quickly add admin interface for models
- Google Mapper Integrate google maps with laravel
- Laravel Multidomain Single laravel with multiple domains.
- Laravel Password Rules Validation rules for passwords
- Laravel Markdown Markdown wrapper for laravel
- Laravel Verify Email Change Verify email upon editing used email.
- Laravel Flags Add flags to laravel application
- Laravel State Add state behaviour to model
- Alerts Global site messages and notifications
- Laravel Notes Add notes system
- Laravel Settings Application wide settings for laravel
- Laravel Stats Insights about your laravel project
- Laravel Trix Add Trix editor to laravel
- Invoices Generate PDF invoices for customers in laravel
- Lada Cache Database cache for laravel
- Eloquent Filter Add custom filter to model in laravel
- Laravel World Countries, states, and cities
- Laravel Online Status Show user online status
- Laravel Rateable Provide a rating system to eloqument models
- Laravel LogManager A simple interface to preview, download and delete Laravel log files.
- Laravel Permission Associate users with permissions and roles
- Laravel Blog Blog
- Laravel Dashboard Overview dashboard
- App Shell A foundation for laravel business applications
- Laravel Realtime Chat App Realtime chat app
- Vueye Table Reponsive data table with many features
- Vue Search Input A search input component
- Form Kit Fast vue 3 forms
- Vue Scrollactive Scroll effects and features
- Vue Scroll Picker iOS style scroll picker for mouse and touch
- Vue Dataset Display datasets(lists)
- Tables Data Tables package with server-side processing.
- HyperColor List of gradients
- HyperUI List of components
- Simple Icons SVG icons for popular brands
- UIBall Loaders Beautiful minimalistic loaders
- Master CSS A virtual css language
- Behold Instagram Easy Instagram feed
- Scrollex Fancy scroll experiences
- Trix A rich text editor for everyday writing
- Snipli A command-line interface for quickly sharing code snippets
- H4cker Cyber security resources
- PyScript Write Python in HTML
- Frontend Checklist List to make sure you complete
- TOAST UI UI library for many many things
- 30 Seconds Short code snippets for dev needs
- HTTPIE HTTP client for API
- Beautify Github Profile Attractive github profiles
- Papers We Love Papers for computer science
- Forgit Interactive git
- Shoelace A collection of UI Components
- Awesome Selfhosted Self-hosting softwares
- The Fuck Correct errors in previous console commands
- BITB Browser in Browser
- Phpmon macOS utility app that displays php version and runs with Laravel Valet
- Hacking Windows Reverse engineering courses
- Clone Wars Open source clones of popular sites
- ARPChat Use ARP protocol to create a chat app.