This application allows to list Youtube videos and categorize them into different categories defined by the app administrator. The app backend is based on the Parse Server open source technology initially created by Facebook.
The application requires the permission "INTERNET" and "ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" in order to access the online backend database hosting data about video categories and videos listed inside the app.
This app uses Parse Server App backend hosted in the Back4app Platform. So, added videos will be directly accessible to the app users without needing any app update.
To learn how to create your own "Youtube Video Listing App" from scratch and step by step and see how to manage the app backend, you can access our online course on Udemy: Android: Build a Youtube Listing App Using Kotlin & Parse
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Further development requires Android Studio, we recommend to use at least version 3.2.1
Mininum SDK: 15 Target SDK: 28
"Youtube Video Listing App" is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
-App Launcher Icon image used inside this App is licensed under Flaticon Basic License:
Picture attribution: App Launcher Icon made by Freepik ( from"
-Picture used to depict empty imageView is free and downlaoded from: