This is an Interpreter for AP++ imperative language using the functional paradigm in scala
- Identifies each expression and declaration.
- Executes the code and should produce an appropriate output.
- Written using the Functional Paradigm in Scala.
- Outputs an error, if the program has any syntax errors, identifying the line number and the error.
- Unit tests
Rule | Description |
Type ::= τ E {int, bool, alpha} | Allowed Data types are either int(integer), bool(boolean), or alpha(quoted string) |
bool ::= t E {tt,ff} | Bool refers to the set of tt(true) and ff(false) only |
int ::= n E Z | Int refers to the set of signed Integers(64 bit) |
alpha ::= s E /(["'])\w+\1/ | Alpha refers to the set of quoted words |
Id :== {a, ab, ab1,…} | Identifiers are the variable names, which always start with an alphabet and can contain alphanumeric and the special characters $,_, *, and # |
E ::= k|Id| E bop E | uop E | Each expression can contain a Identifier, a value, binary operations on two expressions or a unary operator on one expression. While there is no explicit restriction in AP++, you may assume the operations are not valid for “alpha”. |
k ::= t | n | s | The set of values can either be a bool, an integer, or a string. |
bop ::= {+, *, and, or, /, ^, ==, >, <, ><} | The set of binary operators are +(add), *(product), and(binary AND), or (binary OR), /(difference), ^(binary XOR and powerOf), ==(comparison operator), >(greater than), <(less than), ><(not equal to) |
uop ::= {-,not} | The set of unary operator contains – and not with both operators having the same effect, i.e. change the sign for Integers and convert the Bools from true to false and false to true. |
D::=nil | const id: τ=E | var id:τ=E | var id:τ=y | var id:τ | *Declaration of Identifiers |
C::=skip | id:=E | C0;C1 | if E then C0 else C1 | while E do C | List of Commands |
print E | Prints an expression on a new line |