This is a toy HTTP implementation in Rust. I'm doing this solely to practice Rust.
mod http;
use http::{
request::{Method, Request},
use std::fs;
fn headers(request: &Request) -> Response {
match (request.path.as_str(), &request.method) {
("/", Method::GET) => Response {
body: fs::read("src/static/headers.html").expect("ON"),
headers: Headers::new(""),
status: Status::Ok,
("/", Method::POST) => {
Response {
body: "POST!".as_bytes().to_vec(),
headers: Headers::new(""),
status: Status::Ok,
_ => Response {
body: format!("<h1>{} Not Found</h1>", request.path)
headers: Headers::new(""),
status: Status::NotFound,
fn main() {
let mut server = Server::new("");
let _ = server.on_request(headers).listen();
- A single-thread blocking version
- A thread pool version
- A non-blocking single-thread version
- A complete HTTP/1 and HTTP/1.1 parser
- HTTP/2 Implementation