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Mohammad Naghavi edited this page Jun 23, 2014 · 4 revisions


I'm trying to merge these two cordova plugins into one, which can be simply used for both iOS and Andorid without further troubles:


Fill free to contribute, specially because I'm not really familiar with Objective-C, there a huge help is needed!

I prefered the android plugin style more mainly because:

  • it is more similar to the promise pattern in JavaScript than the other
  • it allows for individual callbacks as simple as global ones

Steps to take

  1. Make a unified interface in the easiest way, only to make it usable in both iOS and Android easily
  2. On android src, bring all the errors to JS level, in order to make it easier to pass it to UI or handle it in a customized way a. Add detailed error codes to all fail callbacks on both Android and iOS
  3. On iOS, change some of the functionality from JS level to native, in order to have a more stable functionality
  4. Make the data structures returned to the callbacks look as possible the same
  5. Unify the error codes
  • Installation
  • [Stores setup](Stores setup)
  • [Purchase verification](Purchase verification)
  • [Testing plugin](Automatic tests)
  • [API documentation](API documentation)
  • Debugging


  • Roadmap
  • [Compatibility issues](Compatibility issues)


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