Simple todo app by GetX
and Hive
and pushing notification with flutter_local_notifications
Ui adapted from Rita Deyneko
- flutter_local_notifications
- flutter_svg
- hive_flutter
- intl
- loading_animation_widget
- path_provider
- table_calendar
- timezone
- google_fonts
- http
- share_plus
- run
flutter pub get
to get packages - run
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
│ ├───event_controller.dart
│ ├───hive_initializer.dart
│ └───theme_controller.dart
│ ├───color_adapter.dart
│ ├───event_model.dart
│ └───event_model.g.dart
│ └───notification_service.dart
│ ├───home_screen.dart
│ └───widgets
│ ├───bottomsheet
│ ├───events_listtile
│ ├───home_appbar
│ │ ├───home_drawer
│ │ └───appbar_row.dart
│ └───table_calendar
│ ├───event_screen.dart
│ ├───edit_event_screen.dart
│ └───widgets
│ ├───utils.dart
│ ├───event_sections
│ ├───selectors_widget
│ └───textformfields
│ ├───home_drawer
│ └───appbar_row.dart
│ └───splash_screen.dart
- Controller : contains getx controllers
- theme_controller: where save darkmode and light and loads
- event_controller: core of app, load event, save, delete and ...
- hive_initializer: initing boxes - this function passed in
- Model : this folder contains eventmodel where we can define our events and its eventadapter - colors_adapter for hive for saving colors in box
- Service : all services will be apear here - notifications service
- View : all pages and widgets and themes are here
- splash : first page when apps open
- home : the home_screen, where we can seee calendar and events - it has widget like drawer and sections are seprated almost
- event : event_screen allow you to create events and add reminder for yourself - all event sections are in event_sections folder like alarms & reminder, save button..
- utils : this folder contains tablecalendar theme - colors and ThemeData
- init getx
- theme controller - convert to darkmode
- save events on hive
- notification service
- event edit page
- add done button and share button in edit event
- implement motivation quote to drawer
- add recycle bin page on drawer
- compatible version for ios
- multie language
- implement tags and search on tags
- calendar show events on first load (tablecalendar bug)