This repository contains images from the "Tehran, 4 Emotions" exhibition held on Friday, December 22, 2017. I managed this exhibition, and personally designed the maps. (Read the full story on this tweet)
The exhibition created an interactive experience for visitors by asking them to place colored pins representing emotions (Sadness, Happiness, Love, Fear) on a giant map of Tehran. The aim was to create an emotional map of the city, based on the feelings of those who participated.
- Main Concept: A large map of Tehran (5x3 meters) was printed with high-quality details, allowing visitors to pinpoint their feelings in specific locations across the city. Four different colored pins represented the emotions of Sadness, Happiness, Love, and Fear.
- Reception: The exhibition was very well-received, with over 1000 visitors daily, surpassing expectations.
- Gigapixel Image: The high-resolution image of the final map can be found here.