!! This Project was Built to be presented at Expo Expose Jatim !!
Notulenize is a mobile-based application built with Flutter to help you and your team summarize your meetings using AI technology. Notulenize also stores the meeting summary results locally so that your data is safe and reduce the data-leak risk. You can also pre-record your meeting's audio note and give it to Notulenize for it to summarize the audio note.
git clone https://github.com/mokletdev/notulenize.git
Install dependencies
flutter pub get
Initialize API key
API_KEY = "Your API key"
Run the app
flutter run
Technologies used in the project:
- Flutter
- Flutter Audio
- OpenAI's GPT3.5 Instruct Model
- OpenAI's Whisper-1
- Figma
- Flutter Shared Preferences