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nuggit log

David Edell edited this page Jun 11, 2021 · 1 revision

date: 2021-06-09 section: 1p title: NUGGIT_LOG


Nuggit log

Display the git log of the root repository.


To compare ahead and behind commits between the current and a specified branch, use --diff and --all. It is recommended pipe to more or less if -n is not used.

Example usage: nuggit log nuggit log -n <#> nuggit log --diff <branch name> nuggit log --diff --all <branch name> nuggit log --diff --all <branch-name> -n <#> -p

-n <#>

: Specify the number of commits to show.

--diff <branch name>

: Show the ahead commits; a branch name is required.


: Show the ahead and behind commits ; the diff flag and branch name are also required.


: Include patch text.


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