Course at
- Naturals: Natural numbers
- Induction: Proof by Induction
- Relations: Inductive definition of relations
- Equality: Equality and equational reasoning
- Isomorphism: Isomorphism and Embedding
- Connectives: Conjunction, disjunction, and implication
- Negation: Negation, with intuitionistic and classical logic
- Quantifiers: Universals and existentials
- Decidable: Booleans and decision procedures
- Lists: Lists and higher-order functions
- Lambda: Introduction to Lambda Calculus
- Properties: Progress and Preservation
- DeBruijn: Intrinsically-typed de Bruijn representation
- More: Additional constructs of simply-typed lambda calculus
- Bisimulation: Relating reduction systems
- Inference: Bidirectional type inference
- Untyped: Untyped lambda calculus with full normalisation
- Confluence: Confluence of untyped lambda calculus
- BigStep: Big-step semantics of untyped lambda calculus
- Denotational: Denotational semantics of untyped lambda calculus
- Compositional: The denotational semantics is compositional
- Soundness: Soundness of reduction with respect to denotational semantics
- Adequacy: Adequacy of denotational semantics with respect to operational semantics
- ContextualEquivalence: Denotational equality implies contextual equivalence
All credit to P. Wadler et al. for such an amazing work.