Tags: monarc-project/ng-client
Toggle v2.13.2's commit message
Fixed the captcha display condition.
Toggle v2.13.1's commit message
Updated the dependencies and the trix source file.
Toggle v2.12.7-p1's commit message
Added one more condition to prevent the redirect to the login page wh…
…en password reset is opened.
Toggle v2.12.7's commit message
Updated the context information format.
Toggle v2.12.6's commit message
Update ClientMainCtrl.js
Added the condition for the initial status of background import (awaiting for import) to start the interval.
Toggle v2.12.5-p1's commit message
Toggle v2.12.5's commit message
Reverted the version of D3 library as the new one doesn't work with t…
…he current implementation.
Toggle v2.12.4-p1's commit message
Merge pull request #44 from monarc-project/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/d3…
Bump d3-color and d3
Toggle v2.12.4's commit message
Toggle v2.12.3-p1's commit message
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