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Resolve GitHub conflicts in MONDO

Nicole Vasilevsky edited this page Mar 22, 2019 · 3 revisions
  1. Find PR that has a conflict
  2. Open Sourcetree, and open the MONDO repo in Sourcetree.
  3. Find branch under REMOTES/origin
  4. Right click on the branch name, and checkout
  5. The branch now should appear under BRANCHES, along with the master branch
  6. Under BRANCHES, right click master and checkout
  7. Right click on branch and merge into master, click OK
  8. If I get a warning message about conflicts, click OK
  9. Open mondo-edit.obo in a text editor (Sublime)
  10. Fix the issues - the issue so far has been that a new term was inserted in the wrong place. Search on <<< and find the issue. Reorder the terms and make sure each class is preceeded by [Term] and the IDs are in order.
  11. Save file.
  12. Go to Terminal
  13. Commands:
    $ add mondo-edit.obo
    $ git status
    $ git commit
    $ git push
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