MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 5
The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the fifth alpha of the official Go driver.
This release mainly contains user experience improvements and a refactor of internal driver structure. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.
Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.
Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.
Release Notes
- [GODRIVER-395] - Err check phase fails
- [GODRIVER-396] - Read Preference from connection string should be used
- [GODRIVER-407] - implicit readPreference not allowed
New Feature
- [GODRIVER-354] - Add Optioners for Index Commands
- [GODRIVER-329] - Make bson.Decoder an interface
- [GODRIVER-410] - IsZero and structs