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알쓸신잡 키워드 선택기

Fetch from Notion database -> Randomly pick a keyword.

For development

This project mainly use pnpm + Vite + React + typescript.

pnpm installation

Make sure that you've installed pnpm in your device. For pnpm installation, please refer to their official document.

env.ts setting

You need to make src/utils/env.ts which contains notion page id and api key. Write down as follows:

export const PAGE_ID = '<Our notion page id>';
export const NOTION_API_KEY =  '<Our notion api key>';

You can check page id (32 characters) from the url of the notion page. Here's the way to check the page id from url. Example

You can make your own api key ( or, can contact me if you're not the owner of the page.

Run project

After installation, execute following command in this project directory to setup node_modules:

pnpm install

Execute following command for use vite dev server.

pnpm run dev

To contributors


Feel free to contribute this project!

Commit conventions

Write commit header as following format:

<type>: <description>

Here are some examples of commit headers:

feat:  make hashtags
fix: info updating bug
chore: add vscode to gitignore
docs: update
refactor: cache data for optimization
style: add semicolon

You can use your own <type> if you want.

Branch workflow

Currently, following git-flow branching strategy.

Therefore, the contributors should make branch from develop like:


# for example

Then, send PR to this develop branch.

To users


To add some hashtags for a topic, please write the keyword as below:

<topic>| #<hashtag 1> #<hashtag2> #<hashtag3>...

For example:

Colors| #red #green #how_to_blend


알쓸신잡 키워드 선택기






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