v17.0.x Support
Closed Sep 8, 2017
100% complete
- Other minor fixes
- Replaces montage-Checkbox--checked by montage
- Adds missing focus on mousedown
- defers JSON.parse() of serialization from init to deserialize to avoid double parsing
- updates spec accordingly
- updates code using frb’s getBindings to expect a Map instead of an object
- updates version for next release
- updates frb dependency to 4.0.x
- Other minor fixes
- Replaces montage-Checkbox--checked by montage
- Adds missing focus on mousedown
- defers JSON.parse() of serialization from init to deserialize to avoid double parsing
- updates spec accordingly
- updates code using frb’s getBindings to expect a Map instead of an object
- updates version for next release
- updates frb dependency to 4.0.x
- Upgrade tests stack
- Add travis support
- Remove hardcoded dependency in favor of npm packages for Jasmine and js-beautify
- Migrate specs to Jasmine 2.5.2O (npm run test:jasmine)
- Revamp NodeJS tests runner (npm test)
- Migrate Phantom.js tests runner to Karma (npm run test:karma)
- jshint and other minors fix.
This milestone is closed.
No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.