This is meant to be used with the Moonbeam Truffle box:
You can run any of the commands below from within the Moonbeam Truffle Box repo.
The plugin is used to get you started with a local development Moonbeam node quickly. You can check all available commands with the help flag:
./node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam help
The following commands are available:
In this context, installing means downloading the Docker image of the Moonbeam development node (requires Docker to be installed).
node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam install
Start the development Moonbeam node.
node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam start
The start command comes with custom options:
: For setting a custom unified HTTP and WS port. Accepts a port number to the right of the command.
node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam start --ws-port 8545
Stop the development Moonbeam node. This will remove the container, thus purging the chain.
node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam stop
Pause the development Moonbeam node.
node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam pause
Unpause the development Moonbeam node.
node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam unpause
Shows the status of the development Moonbeam node.
node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam status
Removes the Docker image of the Moonbeam development node.
node_modules/.bin/truffle run moonbeam remove
We welcome any feedback, so feel free to reach out through our official Discord Channel.