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Releases: moonsense/moonsense-ios-sdk

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.6.0

10 Mar 21:29
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • Auto Journey Support: Adds automatic journeyId creation that resets at 15 minutes without an active session. journeyId can still be specified manually as well. See the Moonsense.startSession() documentation for further details.
  • Int64 values are now represented as String values when encoded for JSON. This was done to support interoperation with services that are still expecting Protobuf definitions. This is accomplished with the use of the StringRepresentedFixedWidthInt and StringRepresentedOptionalFixedWidthInt Swift Property Wrappers.
  • To support the addition of the property wrappers, the property declarations of the SDK structs have been changed from let properties to public internal(set) var properties.

Size Impact for MoonsenseSDK 1.6.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 362.2 KB 969.8 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 362.2 KB 969.8 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 362.2 KB 969.8 KB
arm64 - (15.0, 16.0) 362.2 KB 969.8 KB
universal - (all) 362.2 KB 969.8 KB

Size Impact for MoonsenseCoreSDK 1.6.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 248.2 KB 675.5 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 248.2 KB 675.5 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 248.2 KB 675.5 KB
arm64 - (15.0, 16.0) 248.2 KB 675.5 KB
universal - (all) 248.2 KB 675.5 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.5.0

01 Feb 21:22
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • This is a significant release. We've migrated our networking layer for the Cloud SDK to use JSON serialization and deserialization instead of Protobuf.
  • The reliance on JSON means that we no longer need Protobuf runtime helpers and the runtime library to be included within the SDK. This has resulted in a significant reduction in the Cloud variant of the SDK.
  • The Cloud SDK size has been reduced by a approximately 66%.
  • The Core SDK size has been reduced by approximately 10%.
  • The SDKs are now being built with Xcode 14.
  • Note the breaking change
    • We've renamed the targetID property of the TargetElement struct to targetId to be more Swift idiomatic.
    • For the Core SDK - we have renamed MoonsenseCoreDelegate to MoonsenseDelegate for simplicity and consistency between Cloud and Core.

Size Impact for MoonsenseSDK 1.5.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 350.3 KB 945.7 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 350.3 KB 945.7 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 350.3 KB 945.7 KB
arm64 - (15.0, 16.0) 350.3 KB 945.7 KB
universal - (all) 350.3 KB 945.7 KB

Size Impact for MoonsenseCoreSDK 1.5.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 236.3 KB 653.1 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 236.3 KB 653.1 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 236.3 KB 653.1 KB
arm64 - (15.0, 16.0) 236.3 KB 653.1 KB
universal - (all) 236.3 KB 653.1 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.4.0

12 Dec 17:51
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • Exposed the TokenUpgradeHandler protocol.
  • Added the tokenUpgradeHandler parameter to the Moonsense.initialize(publicToken:tokenUpgradeHandler:sdkConfig:delegate:) initializer method to allow a custom TokenUpgradeHandler to be provided to the MoonsenseSDK. See the Custom Token Upgrade Handler documentation for further details.
  • Note the breaking change - We've renamed the clientSessionGroupId property to journeyId and updated the startSession method.

Size Impact for MoonsenseSDK 1.4.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 1058.5 KB 2871.0 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 1058.5 KB 2871.0 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 1058.5 KB 2871.0 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 1058.5 KB 2871.0 KB
universal - (all) 1058.5 KB 2871.0 KB

Size Impact for MoonsenseCoreSDK 1.4.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 252.0 KB 702.3 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 252.0 KB 702.3 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 252.0 KB 702.3 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 252.0 KB 702.3 KB
universal - (all) 252.0 KB 702.3 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.3.0

04 Nov 15:38
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • Note the breaking change - We've replaced the previously named class SDKCoreConfig with the simpler SDKConfig. This change makes the SDKConfig consistent across Core and Cloud.
  • Introduces NetworkTelemetryConfig for network based telemetry capture for classification purposes.

See the Network Telemetry documentation for more details.

Size Impact for MoonsenseSDK 1.3.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 1043.0 KB 2833.5 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 1043.0 KB 2833.5 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 1043.0 KB 2833.5 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 1043.0 KB 2833.5 KB
universal - (all) 1043.0 KB 2833.5 KB

Size Impact for MoonsenseCoreSDK 1.3.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 252.1 KB 702.4 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 252.1 KB 702.4 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 252.1 KB 702.4 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 252.1 KB 702.4 KB
universal - (all) 252.1 KB 702.4 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.2.2

31 Oct 17:19
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • Adds support for Features that contain the DoubleMap struct.

Size Impact for MoonsenseSDK 1.2.2

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 1038.8 KB 2815.1 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 1038.8 KB 2815.1 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 1038.8 KB 2815.1 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 1038.8 KB 2815.1 KB
universal - (all) 1038.8 KB 2815.1 KB

Size Impact for MoonsenseCoreSDK 1.2.2

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 251.6 KB 702.0 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 251.6 KB 702.0 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 251.6 KB 702.0 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 251.6 KB 702.0 KB
universal - (all) 251.6 KB 702.0 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.2.1

14 Oct 21:45
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • The initializers for the public structs are now public to allow for easier testing during development of feature generators.

Size Impact for MoonsenseSDK 1.2.1

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 1034.4 KB 2813.5 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 1034.4 KB 2813.5 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 1034.4 KB 2813.5 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 1034.4 KB 2813.5 KB
universal - (all) 1034.4 KB 2813.5 KB

Size Impact for MoonsenseCoreSDK 1.2.1

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 249.0 KB 701.5 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 249.0 KB 701.5 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 249.0 KB 701.5 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 249.0 KB 701.5 KB
universal - (all) 249.0 KB 701.5 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.2.0

13 Oct 20:51
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • Removed the internal Swift Protobuf dependency from the MoonsenseCoreSDK.xcframework, resulting in an approximately 75% reduction in download and install size.
  • Fixes an issue where the ViewportSizeEvent may be reported with incorrect height and width during orientation changes.
  • Replaced the SensorType.textChange value with SensorType.inputChange.
  • Added support for feature generation.
  • The Bundle now also reports the client time -
  • The Core variants of the MoonsenseSDK are now available via Swift Package Manager.

Size Impact for MoonsenseSDK 1.2.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 1030.7 KB 2797.3 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 1030.7 KB 2797.3 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 1030.7 KB 2797.3 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 1030.7 KB 2797.3 KB
universal - (all) 1030.7 KB 2797.3 KB

Size Impact for MoonsenseCoreSDK 1.2.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 250.3 KB 703.1 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 250.3 KB 703.1 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 250.3 KB 703.1 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 250.3 KB 703.1 KB
universal - (all) 250.3 KB 703.1 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.1.1

10 Aug 18:37
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • Fixes possible debug symbols build warnings when building the Release configuration of an application that consumes the static variants of the Moonsense SDK.
  • Fixes an issue where the SensorType was not exposed on the PermissionEvent Struct in the Core version of the SDK.

Size Impact for 1.1.1

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 904.1 KB 2436.0 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 904.1 KB 2436.0 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 904.1 KB 2436.0 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 904.1 KB 2436.0 KB
universal - (all) 904.1 KB 2436.0 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.1.0

05 Aug 16:33
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The full feature list for this release includes:

  • The last Bundle uploaded by the SDK is now marked is_final_bundle.
  • Adds the Session.remoteID(closure:) API to retrieve the remote id for Cloud based Sessions.
  • Improvements to how the Viewport Size is captured on iPad when the containing app does not take up the entire screen.
  • Fixes an issue where Viewport Size Events may have been over-reported when multiple sessions are recording at the same time.
  • Fixes an issue where an iPad may over-report FOREGROUND App Life Cycle events.

Size Impact for 1.1.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 897.9 KB 2418.0 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 897.9 KB 2418.0 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 897.9 KB 2418.0 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 897.9 KB 2418.0 KB
universal - (all) 897.9 KB 2418.0 KB

Moonsense iOS SDK 1.0.0

30 Jun 21:03
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We are excited to announce the 1.0 release of the Moonsense SDK! This represents the culmination of a year-long effort to build the best-in-class cross-platform behavioral data acquisition SDK to level up fraud prevention and account security.

By labeling this release 1.0 we are making a commitment to a stable and backwards compatible client API and to a standardized data model that consumers of the data can rely on.

This release includes:

  • A simple yet powerful client API that makes it easy to capture both short running and long running sessions for different types of interactions.
  • Zero configuration data capture with minimal overhead across a wide range of sensor types.
  • Touch and pointer event tracking for user interactions with the browser or the device screen.
  • Typing and input capture for form fill actions including text change, key press and focus change events.
  • Support for high frequency sensors including accelerometer, linear accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and orientation.
  • App lifecycle event recognition whenever a user backgrounds or foregrounds the app or the browser tab.
  • Permission tracking for sensors available for any given session.
  • Viewport size tracking including the orientation(portrait and landscape) information.
  • Custom events for associating additional metadata to a recorded session.

We want to thank our customers for their feedback that helped shape this release! We are confident this release can meet the requirements of leading organizations in financial services, identity verification, risk management and beyond.

The full feature list for this release includes:

  • Adds support for capturing Gyroscope, Magenetometer and Orientation sensor types.
  • Adds support for adding Custom Events to Sessions. Custom events allows the caller to define significant events that happen during the lifespan of a session. See Session.addCustomEvent(eventName:eventKey:properties:).
  • Adds the MoonsenseDelegate.onTargetElement(targetElementId:object:) callback for the caller to associate additional attributes to TargetElements found by the Moonsense SDK.
  • The viewport size event now also reports the orientation of the device as landscape or portrait.

iOS Version Validations

iOS Version Tested on
11.4.1 iPhone 7
12.4 iPhone 8
13.6 iPhone 11
14.7 iPhone 11 Pro
15.2 iPhone 13 Pro

Size Impact for 1.0.0

Architecture & iOS Version Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
arm64 - (11.0, 12.0) 888.7 KB 2399.1 KB
arm64 - (12.2) 888.7 KB 2399.1 KB
arm64 - (13.0, 14.0) 888.7 KB 2399.1 KB
arm64 - (15.0) 888.7 KB 2399.1 KB
universal - (all) 888.7 KB 2399.1 KB