MooTools features a compatibility / upgrade helper script that helps you migrate from version to version. This script cannot fix everything, however, and therefore there are some breaking changes. Some of these are minor and will likely not affect you. Others are more troublesome if you are using the features that they affect.
MooTools provides an upgrade helper that allows code written for 1.1 to run with MooTools 1.2. This is not really meant to be a compatibility script so much as a script designed to help you migrate your code. In almost all cases methods that have been deprecated or have had their API altered will provide feedback to the console when they are called. This feedback is designed to help you find the places in your code that need updating. Ideally, developers will put this script into their environment with MooTools 1.2, use their application and change all the calls that throw these warnings, then remove the upgrade helper from their environment.
To use the script, simply replace MooTools 1.1 with MooTools 1.2, then include the upgrade helper, then include your sites code. Browse your site with a browser that provides a console API (we recommend Firebug) and take note of the warnings thrown. Address these in your code base until you cannot find any more, then remove the upgrade helper.
Included in this repository is a file named "mootools_1.2.js". This file is the contents of all of MooTools Core and the plugins that have moved to MooTools More that were originally in MooTools 1.1 (Drag, Accordion, etc).
The upgrade helper has three logging options: "error", "warn", and "none".
The "warn" option is the default, which just logs messages to the console when deprecated methods are used. This uses the console.warn method.
The "error" option uses the console.error method which, in Firebug at least, provides a stack trace and the ability to set a break point. This can be helpful in finding the errant line in your code.
The "none" option hides all warnings. This essentially means you are using the upgrade helper as a compatibility script. It is not really recommended.
You can change this by just changing the MooTools.upgradeLogLevel value, like so:
MooTools.upgradeLogLevel = 'none';
If you include that instruction before you include your site code, all the warnings will be suppressed.
Below are the breaking changes between 1.1 and 1.2 that the upgrade helper / compatibility script cannot work around. Most of these changes are not likely to affect you.
- "ILikeCookies".hyphenate() returns "i-like-cookies" in 1.1; returns "-i-like-cookies" in 1.2.
- Element positioning is handled differently and more accurately in 1.2 and will likely return slightly different results than in 1.1 in some cases. Typically these differences cancel each other out, as you are passing the positioning values into other MooTools methods to set the position in some fashion. Theoretically, the more accurate and reliable positioning code should improve your results, but if you have code in place to deal with 1.1's deficiencies then you may find yourself with mixed results.
- In many cases methods that returned null now return false or vice versa. For example, Cookie:get returns null in 1.2 and false in 1.1 while Function:attempt returns false in 1.2 but null in 1.1.
- Both Element.getCoordinates and Element.getPosition no longer take as their only argument an array of overflown (scrolled) elements for computing position but instead take a single element to get position values relative to. This change, in theory, won't affect your code, as the overflown elements your 1.11 code passes in are ignored, and the methods themselves find these overflown parents for you.
- Native objects (String, Function, etc) in 1.1 have an extend method that allows you to add properties to their prototypes. In 1.2, this method is called implement and extend does something different. In 1.2, String.extend, for example, adds properties to the String namespace, but not to all strings (i.e. it does not alter the String prototype). The compatibility layer only warns you that your call to extend.
- Request (aka Ajax in 1.1) calls its onComplete method on both failure and success, passing no arguments to it. In 1.1, the Ajax class called onComplete only on success (making the onComplete and onSuccess events synonymous... and therefore redundant). If you were using onComplete in 1.1 expecting it not to be called on failure your method is going to get called unexpectedly.
Below are a list of all the changes in 1.1 that you should address in upgrading to 1.2. All of these items below are addressed in the upgrade helper / compatibility script. Unlike the breaking changes, these changes are not required for your site to work with 1.2 if you include the upgrade helper.
$A no longer takes 3 arguments in 1.2; it only takes an iterable object.
window no longer has browser information (for example. in 1.1 is determined in 1.2 by the conditional " == 'trident'").
- The copy method is deprecated; use the native splice method.
- remove from 1.1 is deprecated; use erase.
- merge from 1.1 is deprecated; use combine.
- The bindAsEventListener method is deprecated; use bindWithEvent.
- Function.empty is deprecated; use $empty.
- The keys method is now getKeys.
- The values method is now getValues.
- The hasKey method is now has.
- The merge method is now extend.
- The remove method is now erase.
Object.toQueryString is deprecated in favor of Hash.toQueryString.
The Abstract class is deprecated in favor of Hash.
- getFormElements is deprecated, use getElements('input, textarea, select').
- replaceWith is deprecated, use replaces
- remove is deprecated, use dispose
- getText and setText are now get('text') and set('text', {text})
- setHTML is deprecated, use set('html', {html})
- getTag is now get('tag')
- getValue and setValue are now get('value') and set('value', {value}); also, they no longer do anything but return the value property of an element; getting, for example, the selected radio button from a group of them is not something it does.
- toQueryString is slightly different; inputs without names are excluded, inputs with type == submit, reset, and file are excluded, and inputs with undefined values are excluded.
- set has changed; in 1.1 you could call element.set({properties: {src: someURL}}) for example; you no longer need that nested properties object, just element.set({src: someURL}). Additionally, you could set "styles" but this is now "style" (and it must always be an object; 1.1 would accept a cssStyle string).
- setOpacity is deprecated; use setStyle
- the Event.Keys object on the Event namespaces in 1.1 is now Event.keys
- getSize no longer returns values for size, scroll, and scrollSize, but instead just returns x/y values for the dimensions (width/height) of the element.
- getPosition and getCoordinates no longer accept an array of overflown elements but rather, optionally, a single element to get relative coordinates.
- Class.empty in 1.1 is just $empty in 1.2.
- Class.extend in 1.1 is accomplished by using the Extends mutator in 1.2.
- Class.implement in 1.1 is accomplished by using the Implements mutator in 1.2.
- the custom method in 1.1 is now start
- clearTimer is now cancel
- stop is now cancel
- Fx.Base in 1.1 is now just Fx
- Fx.Style from 1.1 is now Fx.Tween and has a slightly different syntax for its usage
- Fx.Styles from 1.1 is now Fx.Morph
- Fx.Scroll no longer has a scrollTo method in 1.2; use the start method instead
- Element:effect is now Element:tween, but unlike the former, the latter returns the element, starting the effect, while in 1.1 Element:effect returned an Fx instance to you. This is not a simple search and replace.
- Likewise, Element:effects is now Element:morph but it doesn't return an Fx instance but rather runs the effect.
- You no longer specify the property to alter in the Fx.Tween (previously Fx.Style) constructor but rather pass it to the start and set methods along with the values.
- Both XHR and Ajax are deprecated; use the new Request family of classes. Their syntax is familiar, but not synonymous.
- Element:send no longer takes an options object but rather a url as its only argument.
- Json.Remote id deprecated; use Request.JSON.
- onComplete does not receive any arguments. It is also invoked after both failure and success, where as in 1.1 it was only invoked on success.
- The get, set, and remove methods from 1.1 are now read, write, and dispose, respectively.
- The toString and evaluate methods are deprecated in favor of encode and decode, respectively.
- The element methods getElementsByClassName and getElementsBySelector are both deprecated in favor of getElements.
- Elements:filterByTag, filterByClass, filterById, and filterByAttribute are all deprecated in favor of filter.
- $E is deprecated in favor of document.getElement. $ES is deprecated in favor of element.getElements.
- Tips are altered such that the DOM structure of the tip elements themselves are different with different class names. This will require you to update your CSS a bit.
- Tips no longer take an offsets option but rather an offset option (that does the same thing).
- Tips no longer parse the title attributes of elements, splitting the value on "::" for title/caption but instead use either DOM storage to set them or use the title and rel tags respectively.
- Drag.Move handles droppables differently, firing events on the class rather than the elements.
- Accordion is now Fx.Accordion
- It no longer takes a container arguments, and it's addSection method no longer injects the added item into the DOM for you.
- SmoothScroll is now Fx.SmoothScroll