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Source for ASCII-fonts: https://www.coolgenerator.com/ascii-text-generator (Font: Delta Corps Priest 1
This is template for TypeScript project in VS Code with linting.
To have an easier start for my projects.
You will need "node.js" and "pnpm" installed on your system to use this template. To install node.js I recommend using nvm (Node Version Manager). See https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm for installation instructions.
Description from tldr nvm
Install, uninstall or switch between Node.js versions. Supports version numbers like "12.8" or "v16.13.1", and labels like "stable", "system", etc. More information: https://github.com/creationix/nvm.
Install a specific version of Node.js:
nvm install node_version
Use a specific version of Node.js in the current shell:
nvm use node_version
Set the default Node.js version:
nvm alias default node_version
List all available Node.js versions and highlight the default one:
nvm list
"pnpm" is my personal choice for a faster alternative to "npm" and "yarn".
Install pnpm with npm i -g pnpm
The general usage is the same as with "npm".
For local development start with pnpm i
to install all dependencies.
For Visual Studio Code (VSC) there is a workspace configuration file included.
There are npm/pnpm scripts availble to run from CLI or VSC.
pnpm run build
to compile the project.pnpm run test_core
to run core unit tests w/o dependencies.pnpm run test_all
to run the all tests (including integration).pnpm run start "test argument"
to run an example.
Launch configs of VS Code can be found in .vscode/launch.json
To build a docker image use
docker buildx build -t jni-ts-template .
or run pnpm run build-docker-image
To run a temporary container from the image call:
docker container run --rm jni-ts-template "test arg value"
or call pnpm run run-container
Change the image name (here jni-ts-template
) to your liking.
alias yourcommand='docker container run --rm jni-ts-template'
Place keys and environment variable values inside a .env file in the project's root folder. The .env
fils is included in .gitignore
TEST_VAR = "Test value"
pnpm update --latest
to update all packages to the latest version.
pnpm add -D <package>
to add a package to the project. The -D
flag is for development dependencies.
<< Insert your description here. >>
- Integrate Theo's trycatch
- Update of Typescript settings
- Update of ES Linting including new config file
- Update of all libraries to current version
- Introduction of core unit tests and integration tests
- Example for integration tests w/ testcontainers and a neo4j DB
- Docker image build includes core unit tests and only depends on itself
- Update of shared types and functions
- Update of the README file
- Better documentation and misusage.
- Fixing missing env variable in docker image.
- Add /logs to .gitignore.
- Merge in enums, sharedFunction, logger.
- Introduce winston.
- Updated to latest libraries.
- Even tougher linting rules.
- Multi stage docker build with Node 18 (for Rapsberry PI compatibility).
- TypeScript 5.3
- All packages updated to latest version.
- Tougher linting rules.
- Update packages (TS to 5.1)
- Update Docker image to use Node 20.
- Add optional package with test.
- Add tests for diverse useful use cases (e.g., using workers w/ multi cores).
- Remove obsolete greeter code.
- Add docker image creation (e.g. for an encapsulated CLI rool).
- Add helpers for reading the version, parsing .env file and user arguments.
- Remove not used workspace configuration.
- Upgrade all components to latest versions.
- Use 'NodeNext' for module resolution.
- Replace 'npm' with 'pnpm'.
- Replace 'jest' with 'mocha'.
- Template restrictions removed in linting.
- NCU guide added to readme.
- Upgraded to latest versions of TypeScript (4.5.2), Jest (27.4.3) and the rest.
- Upgrade of TypeScript to 4.3
- Support for dotenv
- Initial commit.