####Steps to build and run the project
Build the repo:
git clone https://github.com/moraspirit/msp-mobile.git
npm install
bower install
ionic platform add android
Steps to run the live app on local browser:
ionic serve
Steps to run the live app on a real device (Using IONIC RUN):
[--livereload|-l] .... Live Reload app dev files from the device
[--consolelogs|-c] ... Print app console logs to Ionic CLI
[--serverlogs|-s] .... Print dev server logs to Ionic CLI
ionic run android -l -c -s
Steps to run the live app on a real device (Using PHONEGAP app):
install phonegap app on the device from google play
make sure your device and pc is connected to same network
phonegap serve android --port 2000
open the phonegap app, type url given by phonegap command and hit 'connect'.