Learn about Endowl and sign-up for project updates at endowl.com
Download and install the latest “Ruby+Devkit” from https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
During installation there will be a prompt to install “MSYS2”; when given 3 choices, enter “1” for “MSYS2 base installation”.
In a new Command Prompt, install Jekyll and the Ruby package manager by running:
gem install jekyll bundler
In a Command Prompt or terminal, change to the desired project parent directory.
Clone project from github:
clone https://github.com/endowl/endowl.git
Install dependencies
cd endowl bundler install
Start local Jekyll development server from the project directory, with post drafts visible:
bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts
Stop a running Jekyll development server:
Access development server at
Store blog posts as
files in:blog/_posts/
Name blog post files in this format:
For example:
Blog posts should start with a “Front Matter” block like this example:
--- layout: post title: Introducing Endowl 🦉 subtitle: Create Your Family Fortune ---
Store anywhere except special folders that start with an underscore.
Eg. do NOT store in the subdirectories:
blog/_posts/ , _posts/ , _site/ , _layouts/ ...
Okay to store in project root directory and subdirectories
Eg. okay to store directly in:
./ , blog/ , assets/images/ , ...
Okay to create arbitrary subdirectories and store files in them, eg:
When processed by Jekyll, markdown files will be converted to HTML and their extensions will change from .md to .html on the generated site
To be processed by Jekyll, pages must start with a “Front Matter” block like this:
--- layout: page title: Estate Planning Glossary ---
To generated the page at a different path, include a permalink variable in the Front Matter block, like:
--- layout: page title: Estate Planning Glossary permalink: /glossary ---
Pages can be accessed with URLs that include or omit the trailing “.html”, eg. both of these are okay:
In markdown, include an image on the page like this:
![My helpful screenshot](/assets/screenshot.jpg)
In markdown, link to a local file or page like this:
... you can [get the PDF](/assets/mydoc.pdf) directly.
In HTML specify file paths with this syntax to generate links relative to the site root:
{{ "/assets/images/Endowlhoriz.png" | relative_url }}
In HTML a local image tag should look like:
<img src="{{ "/assets/images/Endowlhoriz.png" | relative_url }}">
In HTML a link to a local file should look like:
<a href="{{ "/estate-planning-glossary" | relative_url }}">
It can be more convenient to use git through a visual IDE, but the most common tasks can be done with these commands:
To download and merge any changes to the project, run:
git pull
To save all local changes and push them up to github, run:
git add -all git commit -m "message describing changes" git push
The main (SASS) stylesheet for the site is generated from
The resulting (CSS) stylesheet is published to
When “jekyll serve” is running locally, most file changes will be processed automatically. Changes to _config.yml are not automatically loaded and require restarting Jekyll.
Use caution if editing _config.yml as .yml files are notoriously easy to mess up with incorrect whitespacing.
How to Create a Blog Using Jekyll and GitHub Pages on Windows