Convert code into actual text input without leaving NeoVim
Demo GIF
Nvim-code2text is a NeoVim plugin written in Lua that lets you use a programming language output as an input for editor. Everything from http requests, files, json documents, complex loops, etc... It works by redirecting stdout to vim buffer
- Currently it only works for Linux and MacOS
- Javascript
- Python
- Bash
- NeoVim 0.5+
- Node (for javascript)
- Python3 (for python)
- Bash (for bash)
Use your preferred plugin manager
Plug 'morphisjustfun/nvim-code2text'
use "morphisjustfun/nvim-code2text"
Plugin 'morphisjustfun/nvim-code2text'
NeoBundleFetch 'morphisjustfun/nvim-code2text'
:Code2text <language>
opens vertical split to enter code:Code2textGet
prints output of current code:Code2textAccept
closes code window and inserts output into editor
Pull requests are welcomed
- Add support for more languages
- How to deal with compiled languages