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Programming the SensorWeb nRF51822 using an nRF51DK

Dave Hylands edited this page Jan 4, 2017 · 1 revision

This page documents how to program the nRF51822 processor on the SensorWeb board using the SWD/JTAG programmer included on the nRF51-DK board.


Color SensorWeb nRF51-DK
Brown GND (J6) GND (P1)
Black GND (J1) GND DETECT (P20)
Red VCC (J1) VTG (P20)
Yellow SWDCLK (J3) SWD CLK (P20)
Orange SWDIO (J4) SWD IO (P20)
  • On the SensorWeb board, remove the shunt jumpers from J3 and J4
  • Connect ground on the SensorWeb to Ground on the DK (brown wire in the photos). On the sensorweb board, I used the ground signal on the 3 pin J6 connector, which is the pin closest to the J11 label. On the DK, I used one of the GND signals on P1 (runs along the bottom of the board)
  • Connect ground on the SensorWeb to GND DETECT on the DK (black wire in the photos). On the sensorweb board, I used the ground signal on the J1 (closest to D2 label). On the DK, GND DETECT is on P20 (row of male pins abvoe the JTAG processor - the one with the white sticker)
  • Connect SWDCLK between the boards (yellow wire in the photos). On the sensorweb board use the J3 pin furthest from the J3 label. On the DK, this is on P20.
  • Connect SWDIO between the boards (orange wire in the photos). On the sensorweb board use the J4 pin furthest from the J4 label. On the DK, this is on P20.
  • Connect VCC on the sensorweb board to VTG on the DK (red wire in the photos). On the sensorweb board I used VCC from J1 (pin closest to the edge of the board). On the DK VTG is on P20.

Photo showing connections on SensorWeb board SensorWeb connections

Photo showing connections on nRF51-DK board nRF51-DK connections

Photo showing ground connection on nRF51-DK board nRF51-DK Ground


Powerup both boards. The nRF51-DK board will show up as removable storage (Under Ubuntu mine appeared as /media/dhylands/JLINK). Copy the .hex file from your build into the /media/dhylands/JLINK directory and it should flash the nRF51822 on the sensorweb board. I see the JLINK directory disappear and after programming is finished, it will reappear and the program will start running on the nRF51822.