Monitor Cron e2e Tests #457
5 errors, 5 warnings, and 1 notice
Run Playwright tests - stage:
1) [chromium] › dashboard/dashboard-headers.spec.ts:141:3 › stage - Breaches Dashboard - Headers @smoke › Verify that the Apps and Services header options work correctly.
Test timeout of 60000ms exceeded.
Run Playwright tests - stage:
1) [chromium] › dashboard/dashboard-headers.spec.ts:141:3 › stage - Breaches Dashboard - Headers @smoke › Verify that the Apps and Services header options work correctly.
Error: Test timeout of 60000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByTitle('Profile').nth(1)
201 | ) => {
202 | await;
> 203 | await;
| ^
204 | await expect(what).toBeVisible();
205 | if (await what.evaluate((e) => e.hasAttribute("href"))) {
206 | const href = await what.getAttribute("href");
at openProfileMenuItem (/home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/specs/dashboard/dashboard-headers.spec.ts:203:41)
at /home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/specs/dashboard/dashboard-headers.spec.ts:219:5
Run Playwright tests - stage:
2) [chromium] › purchase.spec.ts:89:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a Stripe card - Monthly
TimeoutError: locator.waitFor: Timeout 5000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByRole('button', { name: 'Automatic data removal: On' })
145 |
146 | // confirm successful payment
> 147 | await dashboardPage.plusSubscription.waitFor({
| ^
148 | state: "attached",
149 | timeout: 5000,
150 | });
at /home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:147:42
Run Playwright tests - stage:
3) [firefox] › purchase.spec.ts:89:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a Stripe card - Monthly
Error: locator.check: Clicking the checkbox did not change its state
Call log:
- waiting for getByTestId('confirm')
- locator resolved to <input name="confirm" type="checkbox" data-testid="confirm"/>
- attempting click action
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- performing click action
- click action done
- waiting for scheduled navigations to finish
- navigations have finished
136 | // fill out subscription payment
137 | await purchasePage.authorizationCheckbox.waitFor();
> 138 | await purchasePage.authorizationCheckbox.check();
| ^
139 | await purchasePage.fillOutStripeCardInfo();
140 | await{ force: true });
141 | await page.getByText("Subscription confirmation").waitFor();
at /home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:138:46
Run Playwright tests - stage:
4) [firefox] › purchase.spec.ts:173:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a PayPal account - monthly
TimeoutError: locator.waitFor: Timeout 10000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByRole('button', { name: 'Automatic data removal: On' })
at ../pages/purchasePage.ts:168
166 | await;
167 | // confirm successful payment
> 168 | await dashboardPage.plusSubscription.waitFor({
| ^
169 | state: "attached",
170 | timeout: 10000,
171 | });
at PurchasePage.postPaymentPageCheck (/home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/pages/purchasePage.ts:168:42)
at /home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:189:5
Run Playwright tests - stage:
[firefox] › dashboard/dashboard-breaches-scan.spec.ts#L1
[firefox] › dashboard/dashboard-breaches-scan.spec.ts took 46.5s
Run Playwright tests - stage:
[chromium] › dashboard/dashboard-breaches-scan.spec.ts#L1
[chromium] › dashboard/dashboard-breaches-scan.spec.ts took 45.9s
Run Playwright tests - stage:
[chromium] › landing/landing-content.spec.ts#L1
[chromium] › landing/landing-content.spec.ts took 29.2s
Run Playwright tests - stage:
[firefox] › landing/landing-content.spec.ts#L1
[firefox] › landing/landing-content.spec.ts took 28.1s
Run Playwright tests - stage:
[firefox] › landing/landing-new-account.spec.ts#L1
[firefox] › landing/landing-new-account.spec.ts took 25.6s
Run Playwright tests - stage
4 flaky
[chromium] › dashboard/dashboard-headers.spec.ts:141:3 › stage - Breaches Dashboard - Headers @smoke › Verify that the Apps and Services header options work correctly.
[chromium] › purchase.spec.ts:89:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a Stripe card - Monthly
[firefox] › purchase.spec.ts:89:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a Stripe card - Monthly
[firefox] › purchase.spec.ts:173:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a PayPal account - monthly
6 skipped
76 passed (20.5m)