This is the iOS SDK of adjust™. You can read more about adjust™ at
There are example apps inside the examples
directory for iOS
. You can open any of the Xcode projects
to see an example of how the adjust SDK can be integrated.
We will describe the steps to integrate the adjust SDK into your iOS project. We are going to assume that you use Xcode for your iOS development.
If you're using CocoaPods for iOs
or tvOS
, you can add the following line to your
and continue with step 4:
pod 'Adjust', :git => 'git://', :tag => 'v4.5.2'
If you're using Carthage, you can add following line to your Cartfile
and continue with step 3:
github "adjust/ios_sdk"
You can also choose to integrate the adjust SDK by adding it to your project as a framework. On the releases page you can find two archives:
Since the release of iOS 8, Apple has introduced dynamic frameworks (also known as embedded frameworks). If your app is targeting iOS 8 or higher, you can use the adjust SDK dynamic framework. Choose which framework you want to use – static or dynamic – and add it to your project before continuing with step 3.
Download the latest version from our releases page. Extract the archive into a directory of your choice.
In Xcode's Project Navigator locate the Supporting Files
group (or any other
group of your choice). From Finder, drag the Adjust
subdirectory into Xcode's
Supporting Files
In the dialog Choose options for adding these files
make sure to check the
checkbox to Copy items if needed
and select the radio button to Create groups
Select your project in the Project Navigator. In the left hand side of the main
view, select your target. In the tab Build Phases
, expand the group Link Binary with Libraries
. On the bottom of that section click on the +
Select the AdSupport.framework
and click the Add
button. Repeat the same
steps to add the iAd.framework
, unless you are using tvOS. Change the Status
of both frameworks to
If you added the adjust SDK from the source or via a Pod repository, you should use following import statement:
#import "Adjust.h"
If you added the adjust SDK as a framework or via Carthage, you should use following import statement:
#import <AdjustSdk/Adjust.h>
To begin, we'll set up basic session tracking.
In the Project Navigator, open the source file of your application delegate.
Add the import
statement at the top of the file, then add the following call
to Adjust
in the didFinishLaunching
or didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
method of your app delegate:
#import "Adjust.h"
// or #import <AdjustSdk/Adjust.h>
// ...
NSString *yourAppToken = @"{YourAppToken}";
NSString *environment = ADJEnvironmentSandbox;
ADJConfig *adjustConfig = [ADJConfig configWithAppToken:yourAppToken
[Adjust appDidLaunch:adjustConfig];
Replace {YourAppToken}
with your app token. You can find this in your
Depending on whether you build your app for testing or for production, you must
set environment
with one of these values:
NSString *environment = ADJEnvironmentSandbox;
NSString *environment = ADJEnvironmentProduction;
Important: This value should be set to ADJEnvironmentSandbox
if and only
if you or someone else is testing your app. Make sure to set the environment to
just before you publish the app. Set it back to
when you start developing and testing it again.
We use this environment to distinguish between real traffic and test traffic from test devices. It is very important that you keep this value meaningful at all times! This is especially important if you are tracking revenue.
You can increase or decrease the amount of logs you see in tests by calling
on your ADJConfig
instance with one of the following
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelVerbose]; // enable all logging
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelDebug]; // enable more logging
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelInfo]; // the default
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelWarn]; // disable info logging
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelError]; // disable warnings as well
[adjustConfig setLogLevel:ADJLogLevelAssert]; // disable errors as well
Build and run your app. If the build succeeds, you should carefully read the
SDK logs in the console. After the app launches for the first time, you should
see the info log Install tracked
If your build failed with the error Adjust requires ARC
, it looks like your
project is not using ARC. In that case we recommend transitioning your
project to use ARC. If you don't want to use ARC, you have to
enable ARC for all source files of adjust in the target's Build Phases:
Expand the Compile Sources
group, select all adjust files (Adjust, ADJ...,
...+ADJAdditions) and change the Compiler Flags
to -fobjc-arc
(Select all
and press the Return
key to change all at once).
Once you integrate the adjust SDK into your project, you can take advantage of the following features.
You can use adjust to track events. Lets say you want to track every tap on a
particular button. You would create a new event token in your dashboard,
which has an associated event token - looking something like abc123
. In your
button's buttonDown
method you would then add the following lines to track
the tap:
ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];
[Adjust trackEvent:event];
When tapping the button you should now see Event tracked
in the logs.
The event instance can be used to configure the event even more before tracking it.
You can register a callback URL for your events in your dashboard. We will
send a GET request to that URL whenever the event gets tracked. You can add
callback parameters to that event by calling addCallbackParameter
on the
event before tracking it. We will then append these parameters to your callback
For example, suppose you have registered the URL
then track an event like this:
ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];
[event addCallbackParameter:@"key" value:@"value"];
[event addCallbackParameter:@"foo" value:@"bar"];
[Adjust trackEvent:event];
In that case we would track the event and send a request to:
It should be mentioned that we support a variety of placeholders like {idfa}
that can be used as parameter values. In the resulting callback this
placeholder would be replaced with the ID for Advertisers of the current
device. Also note that we don't store any of your custom parameters, but only
append them to your callbacks. If you haven't registered a callback for an
event, these parameters won't even be read.
You can read more about using URL callbacks, including a full list of available values, in our callbacks guide.
If your users can generate revenue by tapping on advertisements or making in-app purchases you can track those revenues with events. Lets say a tap is worth one Euro cent. You could then track the revenue event like this:
ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];
[event setRevenue:0.01 currency:@"EUR"];
[Adjust trackEvent:event];
This can be combined with callback parameters of course.
When you set a currency token, adjust will automatically convert the incoming revenues into a reporting revenue of your choice. Read more about currency conversion here.
You can read more about revenue and event tracking in the event tracking guide.
You can also pass in an optional transaction ID to avoid tracking duplicate revenues. The last ten transaction IDs are remembered and revenue events with duplicate transaction IDs are skipped. This is especially useful for in-app purchase tracking. See an example below.
If you want to track in-app purchases, please make sure to call trackEvent
after finishTransaction
in paymentQueue:updatedTransaction
only if the
state changed to SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased
. That way you can avoid
tracking revenue that is not actually being generated.
- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions {
for (SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in transactions) {
switch (transaction.transactionState) {
case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased:
[self finishTransaction:transaction];
ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:...];
[event setRevenue:... currency:...];
[event setTransactionId:transaction.transactionIdentifier]; // avoid duplicates
[Adjust trackEvent:event];
// more cases
If you track in-app purchases, you can also attach the receipt to the tracked event. In that case our servers will verify that receipt with Apple and discard the event if the verification failed. To make this work, you also need to send us the transaction ID of the purchase. The transaction ID will also be used for SDK side deduplication as explained above:
NSURL *receiptURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL];
NSData *receipt = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:receiptURL];
ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:...];
[event setRevenue:... currency:...];
[event setReceipt:receipt transactionId:transaction.transactionIdentifier];
[Adjust trackEvent:event];
You can set up the adjust SDK to handle deep links that are used to open your app via a custom URL scheme. We will only read certain adjust specific parameters. This is essential if you are planning to run retargeting or re-engagement campaigns with deep links.
In the Project Navigator open the source file your Application Delegate. Find
or add the method openURL
and add the following call to adjust:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
[Adjust appWillOpenUrl:url];
// Your code goes here
BOOL canHandle = [self someLogic:url];
return canHandle;
If you want to support universal links, then follow these next steps.
In order to enable universal links for your app, go to the adjust dashboard and turn the
Universal Linking switch to ON
You will need to fill in your iOS Bundle ID
and iOS Team ID
. You can find your iOS Team ID
in the Apple Developer Center
After you entered these two values, a universal link for your app will be generated and will look like this:
In Apple Developer Center, you should enable Associated Domains
for your app.
Once you have done this, you should enable Associated Domains
in your app's XCode project settings, and copy the generated universal link from the dashboard into the Domains
Next, find or add the method application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:
in your Application Delegate. In that method, add the following call to adjust:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity
restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *restorableObjects))restorationHandler {
if ([[userActivity activityType] isEqualToString:NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb]) {
[Adjust appWillOpenUrl:[userActivity webpageURL]];
// Your code goes here
BOOL canHandle = [self someLogic:[userActivity webpageURL]];
return canHandle;
For example, if you were setting your deep_link
parameter like this:
the adjust backend will convert it to a universal link, which looks like this:
You can read more about implementing universal links in our guide to universal links.
If your app makes heavy use of event tracking, you might want to delay some
HTTP requests in order to send them in one batch every minute. You can enable
event buffering with your ADJConfig
[adjustConfig setEventBufferingEnabled:YES];
You can register a delegate callback to be notified of tracker attribution changes. Due to the different sources considered for attribution, this information can not by provided synchronously. Follow these steps to implement the optional delegate protocol in your app delegate:
Please make sure to consider our applicable attribution data policies.
and add the import and theAdjustDelegate
declaration.#import "Adjust.h" // or #import <AdjustSdk/Adjust.h> @interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, AdjustDelegate>
and add the following delegate callback function to your app delegate implementation.- (void)adjustAttributionChanged:(ADJAttribution *)attribution { }
Set the delegate with your
instance:[adjustConfig setDelegate:self];
As the delegate callback is configured using the ADJConfig
instance, you
should call setDelegate
before calling [Adjust appDidLaunch:adjustConfig]
The delegate function will get when the SDK receives final attribution data.
Within the delegate function you have access to the attribution
Here is a quick summary of its properties:
NSString trackerToken
the tracker token of the current install.NSString trackerName
the tracker name of the current install.NSString network
the network grouping level of the current install.NSString campaign
the campaign grouping level of the current install.NSString adgroup
the ad group grouping level of the current install.NSString creative
the creative grouping level of the current install.NSString clickLabel
the click label of the current install.
You can disable the adjust SDK from tracking any activities of the current
device by calling setEnabled
with parameter NO
. This setting is remembered
between sessions, but it can only be activated after the first session.
[Adjust setEnabled:NO];
You can check if the adjust SDK is currently enabled by calling the function
. It is always possible to activate the adjust SDK by invoking
with the enabled parameter as YES
You can put the adjust SDK in offline mode to suspend transmission to our servers while retaining tracked data to be sent later. While in offline mode, all information is saved in a file, so be careful not to trigger too many events while in offline mode.
You can activate offline mode by calling setOfflineMode
with the parameter YES
[Adjust setOfflineMode:YES];
Conversely, you can deactivate offline mode by calling setOfflineMode
with NO
When the adjust SDK is put back in online mode, all saved information is send to our servers
with the correct time information.
Unlike disabling tracking, this setting is not remembered bettween sessions. This means that the SDK is in online mode whenever it is started, even if the app was terminated in offline mode.
You can also add parameters to be transmitted to network partners, for the integrations that have been activated in your adjust dashboard.
This works similarly to the callback parameters mentioned above, but can
be added by calling the addPartnerParameter
method on your ADJEvent
ADJEvent *event = [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:@"abc123"];
[event addPartnerParameter:@"key" value:@"value"];
[Adjust trackEvent:event];
You can read more about special partners and these integrations in our guide to special partners.
The adjust SDK is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2012-2016 adjust GmbH,
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.