Clone and modify this repo
git clone [email protected]:therubyshore/sac-mydorms.git <project-name>
cd <project_name>
rm -rf .git && git init
Copy env files
cp .env.example .env
cp backend/.env.example backend/.env
cp frontend/.env.example frontend/.env
If using Host Machine (on MacOS) (Recommended unless you need/want to use Docker)
- Install Node.js
- Install PostgreSQL
createdb mydorms_dev
npm run install:all
cd backend
npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push
npx prisma db seed
cd ..
npm run dev
If using Docker
- Install Docker Desktop
# Update backend/.env DATABASE_URL: rename `localhost` to `postgres`
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec postgres createdb -U postgres mydorms_dev
docker compose exec backend npx prisma db push
docker compose exec backend npx prisma db seed
Visit http://localhost:3000
- Language: Javascript
- Framework: Express
- ORM: Prisma
- Authentication: Passport
- Testing: Jest
- Exceptions: Sentry
- Docs
- Language: Javascript
- Framework: Create React App
- CSS: Emotion
- UI Components: Material-UI
- API Client: React Query
- State: Zustand
- Testing: Jest / Cypress
- Exception Tracking: Sentry
- Docs
- Pick up or create a task from Pivotal Tracker
- Write out the details of that task if they don't already exist
- "Start" the task
- Checkout a new feature branch from main
- Begin working out feature locally
- Ensure test suite passes and your new code is covered
- Add and commit files to feature branch
- Open a PR (draft or ready) and ensure test suite passes
This kit is a combination of material and ideas from the open source community, namely:
Kudos to them! 🎉
Of course, this kit is in no way a 1 to 1 to those, there have been heavy modifications and additions, but we can occasionally reference those sources to see if there are new ideas we want to incorporate.